New Day, New Nightmare

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Just saying ____ is the absence of a name, not a reader insert * even tho it is you but shhhhhh Silver doesn't know that....* Also... Spoopy chapter!

Silver's POV
( It's been a while since I got in his head!)


"C'mon ___!!" I yelled, calling to the girl behind me.

" I'm coming I'm coming!" She yelled giggling.

We ran to the tree, our tree, and started to climb up.

When we finally reached the top, I sat on a branch opposite of ____.

" Hey... Silver?" She asked, her bangs covering her eyes so I couldn't see them.

" Yeah?" I asked swinging my legs back and forth.

" We'll always be best friends, right?"

" Of course!!" I exclaimed. " Forever and ever!!"

" Ok... Promise?" She asked.

" Yeah!" I held out my pinkie. She intertwined her pinkie with mine.

Suddenly, the branch under her broke.

And she fell.

She hit the ground.

I scrambled down the tree to her.

" ___!" I shook her body. " Wake up!"

Her eyes opened to reveal empty eye sockets, the place where her eyes should have been, dark holes.

I scrambled back in terror. She sat up and smiled at me. Blood staining her teeth and dripping down her chin.

" Keep your promise..." She, no... It said.

She morphed into my father Giovanni.

" Say goodbye Silver..." He spoke his eyes gone as well.

" Say goodbye to the people you love..." He smiled

"Say goodbye to (y/-"

" Wake..."
It reached for my throat
"Wake u..."
It grabbed my neck
"Wake up."
It's grip tightened
" Wake up!"
I lost air. I'm going to die...

" WAKE UP!!!"

* End of dream*

"AHHHHH!!" I screamed, clutching my throat in fear and terror.

" Oh my gosh! Silver what happened?? Are you ok??" (Y/n) looked at me her eyes widened in fear.

My breath was heavy and I felt my throat burning.

I felt warm arms around me.

It was (y/n).

She was holding me. Tears streaming down her face. She pushed my face into her shoulder. " Just cry... You don't have to tell me why just cry."

" Your the one who's crying... Why are you crying?" I whispered into her shoulder.

" Because... You looked so scared. Like a child..... You looked terrified, you were clutching at your throat like you were going to be choked to death... I was scared and worried, I can't imagine how you were feeling."

I listened to her.

And then I cried.

For the first time in a long, long, time. I cried.

We didn't speak.

We just held each other and cried.

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