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Luke woke up and it hit him.

All he could think about was Anna.

Last night was cold but no thunderstorms so Luke finally got some sleep for the first time in weeks.

He thought the same thing about Anna.

He felt bad that she had to see him like that only seconds from knowing his name.

Luke decided that he should apologise and hope she wouldn't think less of him.

He got up and walked downstairs.

Before he could even gesture to open her door she did which spooked both of them.

"And now were even" Luke laughed.

Anna smiled and moved to let him in.

He looked around and noticed many mugs of shapes and sizes.

"You have a lot of coffee don't you"

"I also have a sleeping problem because of the dick that lives upstairs" Anna smirked.

Luke shook his head and sat down on the blue lounge.

Anna sat beside him and smiled.

"Can I know why you're afraid of thunderstorms or?"

Luke nodded and started his story.

"When I was little I would always sleep alone in a huge dark room. Every time there was thunder I would huddle up in my bed because of the story my mum told me. She said that every time there is thunder the ghosts that live under my bed would come out and try and kidnap me. It was a stupid story and you probably think I'm pathetic but it sunk it and now I can't sleep"

He took a breath before lowering his head in defeat.

"I understand Luke and I don't think less of you. You seem like a nice person and I want to help you overcome this fear" Anna smiled.

"Do you have any fears?" Luke asked.

"Where do I begin, small spaces, clowns, the dark, elevators and escalators to name a few" She sighed.

"Escalators? Them things you stand on and it goes up and down and they look like stairs?"

"Yeah they scare the shit out of me"

Luke smiled at the ground before giving her a small giggle.


This was going to be the beginning of a great friendship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2014 ⏰

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