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liked by @liasimmons , @theogallagher , and 24,749 others

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liked by @liasimmons , @theogallagher , and 24,749 others

rosiegal: when you're a cali girl at heart but the new york weather decides to crush your dreams😩😩 #justgirlythings

user1: 25k likes omg remember me when you're famous
rosiegal: of course b @user1
user2: how are you wearing just a tank top under that coat
rosiegal: i packed for spring break, not winter break @user2
user3: lmk how ur cute even when ur ugly
user4: i can see why timothée is in love with you
user5: they're literally just friends um
user6: they've only interracted like once so @user4
liasimmons: i kinda miss you please come home soon
rosiegal: i've been gone for three days omg @liasimmons
liasimmons: and my love for you has grown in that time frame
liasimmons: i miss my cuddle buddy
user7: i want this friendship
user8: rose aren't you supposed to be in school
rosiegal: i have my break and i'm filming right now so no @user8
rosiegal: cuddle your dog @liasimmons
user9: dmsksoaow ROSE
theogallagher: bring me a keychain from LA
rosiegal: no @theogallagher
theogallagher: fuck you then
user10: timothée will^
rosiegal: that's actually disgusting please take your comment and like elsewhere @user10
user12: did you really have the audacity to say that @user10
user13: if my virginity could talk it would be yelling at you @user10
user15: syealling. love that
user16: come out with some actual good music and maybe she'll get you a keychain @theogallagher
theogallagher: excuse you my soundcloud blessed you
user17: yeah we all really enjoyed hearing you yell about gravy for four minutes and thirty seven seconds
theogallagher: rose did @user17
rosiegal: the only reason i played it at my 21st birthday was so that you would embarass yourself in front of everyone
user18: did it work
rosiegal: yes @user18
user18: how well
rosiegal: he climbed onto a table and rapped so i'd say pretty well
tchalamet: why wasn't i invited to see that
theogallagher: sorry the concert sold out within minutes @tchalamet
theogallagher: legend has it people were so impressed by my song "chilis" that the restaurant bought every ticket to give away as prizes
user19: what the actual hell
rosiegal: stop daydreaming theo
rosiegal: i hadn't seen you since graduation and i was not about to have every single lady pass out when you walked in @tchalamet
user20: would you have been jealous
rosiegal: no
tchalamet: she would have passed out with them @user20
rosiegal: first of all fuck off
rosiegal: second of all dont be so full of yourself chalamet
tchalamet: i'm just confident gallagher
user21: they call each other by their last names that is SUCH a kink
user22: cheryl get off the internet @user21

author's note:
i made a youtube channel and i uploaded a cover of "hostage" by billie eilish so please enjoy this

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