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liked by @liasimmons , @rosiegal , and 32,630 others

tchalamet: gorgeous🤩🤩🤩

user1: oh my god
user2: nose so snatched james charles is shaking
rosiegal: i've never looked better😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
user3: this is the ugliest thing i've ever seen yet rose makes it look cute
liasimmons: now THIS is the quality content i've been waiting for
liasimmons: i still hate you though
liasimmons: don't take my laughter as a surrender of my hostility towards you because it's still there and will be forever
tchalamet: @liasimmons noted
user4: timmy is your wig flew
tchalamet: honey my lacefront is launched @user4
user4: that's the only notification i've ever wanted. time to deactivate my accounts and actually live my life now
user5: people who hate timothée need to just stop for a minute and actually read his replies to comments
rosiegal: also timmy i would like to say a big thank you for facetuning my photos for me. you do such an amazing job everytime !!!!
tchalamet: no problem babe !! i know exactly which of your features to draw attention away from (here's a secret: it's mostly all of them) so i'm just the person to do it!!!!!!!
user6: i usually don't share opinions on celeb relationships but tim and rose are too cute for me not to talk about
dylangallagher: don't hurt my sister
user7: um
user8: there's more of them?
user9: dylan better be like theo or i don't approve

@tchalamet deleted @dylangallagher's comment !

user10: oh no
user11: dear god please protect timmy from rose's brother
user12: the fact that timothée didn't say "i would never" is concerning

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