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real life

as soon as the front door of the home quietly shut, dylan gallagher was up out of his bed and hurrying down the hallway.

"what the hell rose?"

he reached the bottom of the stairs quickly and came face to face with his nervous looking younger sister. in her arms was a boquet of multicolored flowers along with a small bag of leftovers from the restaraunt timothée had brought her to. her face had been plastered with a small smile at the thought of her morning with the boy, but as soon as she heard the pounding footsteps rushing along the floor above her, every ounce of joy drained from her demeaner.

the tiny frame of logan gallagher appeared behind the eldest sibling, and she stared down in wonderment at the vibrancy of her sister's belongings.

"whoa," the little girl whispered. she rushed down the stairs and crashed into rose. "where did you get these?"

"is he still out there?" dylan's deep voice kept her from responding to the child. her eyes widened in realization that he only knew half the story of their failed relationship — the half that ended in her left crying at his apartment doorstep after not having come in contact with him for months after he moved away.

she and logan were shoved to the side as dylan pushed past them in an attempt to get to the front entryway. rose handed her younger sister the plastic bag and threw the flowers onto the dining room table, trying to beat her brother to the door.

luckily, timothée's car was long gone from her small street. rose's breathing calmed at the sight of the empty road that branched off of her driveway. she wasn't sure exactly what dylan would have done to the boy if he was still parked out front, but she did know that it would not have ended well for either of them. timothée may be small and scrawny, but if she had learned one thing about him in all their years of knowing each other it was that he would fight for whatever he thought was right, or whatever he loved.

love was a word that she previously associated with him. it had consumed her thoughts about him when they were young teenagers, and was the only thing that rushed into her head whenever she caught sight of him. they had the type of love that was fascinating to look back on. rose was so hopelessly devoted to him, and he the same to her. she was honestly surprised that no one around them even realized the true seriousness of their relationship or the real reason she still held onto the tiny ring that he had given her, refusing to let go of its meaning.

looking down at her finger, she would always remember that there was someone out there who loved her more than words could explain. timothée had given her all the love and affection that she ever wanted before they even truly knew each other, let alone themselves. they met at age twelve and made a promise to always be friends — to always love each other without hesitation, and never doubt the other in a time of confusion. at age seventeen they built that promise into something even greater, and both still held onto that now.

she twisted the ring subconsiously as she met her brother's eyes. the commotion dylan had made had woken theo, and he stumbled down the stairs without saying a word. he knew that it was best to not get in between his older sibling's debates, so instead he picked up the flowers and carried them into the kitchen where logan was already reaching for the cabinet that held the vases.

"what the hell rose?" dylan asked again. this time he avoided any distractions and expected an answer to his question. his sister had no clue how to even respond, though, and the look in her eyes caused him to aggresively sigh. "are you still as oblivious as when i left?"

his breath was hot and fanned across her face. only then did she catch onto the faint stench of alcohol that came with it. she made the connection and took a step back, memories of his disheveled figure answering his apartment door years before then flashing into her mind. she had caught him off guard and at his weakest point that night, but she had been pretty low herself and accepted the fact that both of them were going through their roughest times.

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