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new tweet from rosiegal

rosiegal: you consumed my thoughts when we were young. but then i left and never looked back. now i feel like a teenager all over again

7.6k retweets 16.4k likes

user1: i'm in love with you omg

user2: timothéeeeeeeeeee

user3: you and timmy are so cute omfg

user4: i'm sorry but who are you ????
user5: she's an off-broadway actress and timothée's girlfriend
user6: ex girlfriend
user5: same thing

user7: so rose uhh when are you gonna let us know what you've been filming
rosiegal: soon my love
user8: how much u wanna bet it's something with tim and this is all a big publicity stunt
liasimmons: how much u wanna bet i'll hurt u if u even think that my best friend would be a fake hoe

user9: i love that you're so open with us about stuff going on in your life

user10: can we get rosie to write a poetry book?
rosiegal: YES OH MY GOD
rosiegal: i'm gonna call my agent now omg

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