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you blocked me on everything. i'm sorry i drove you to the point where we can't communicate other than this way.

this will probably be a one sided conversation and honestly i'm okay with that, as long as you see my words written on this page. as long as you hear everything i have to say.

i meant it when i said i'm in love with you. i meant it when we were fifteen and i still mean it now. there will never not be a part of me so overwhelmingly in love with you.

it scares me — how dedicated to you i am. i've been waiting since the first day i saw you in sixth grade for the opportunity to spend the rest of my life with you. and i almost had that. we were so close, rose — so close to being forever; so close to loving only each other.

the first time you left, i thought it was my fault. i thought that i had done something wrong and that i was the reason you stopped loving me. but when you showed up in my life again, i realized you never stopped. i realized that time was what we needed, and time is what we have so little of.

we don't even have enough now, and i'm starting to realize that maybe we never will. but i'm not going to stop loving you. even if we find other people, even if it subsides as life goes on, i'm always going to love you.

- timothée

author's note !
i'm trying so hard to finish this and start writing the rest of this series

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