They know they done goofed

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Taehyungs eyes are watering while he watches the maknae take Y/N at harsh pace .

Throwing his phone down he sits you up on his cock as he tore the underwear from your body and he teases.

"Im gonna keep these as a souvenir " as he puts it into a small pocket on his skirt.

"got nothing to say huh bun. how does it feel to have a man in a skirt and middrift plow you from behind huh" he groans as he turns his body with yours towards the two shocked men in the room and pulls back your lips to show them his cock going in.

"Jungkook you're hurting her she's bleeding " Jimin snaps out and comes forward and try to stop jungkook.

"I swear to fuck hyung let me do this and then we can deal with the problems later. so sit down and fucking enjoy " he bites out as he hits at a particular angle

"Ya baby uggh listen to super twink huh" smirking you talking back. his hand holding my lips open goes to yank my head back.

"keep talking to hyung i swear" he threatens but i just laugh

"SO Sweetie your the one in this relationship who wears the metaphorical pants hahah" i instigate.

he growls at me and thrusts harder as his breath stutters.

i look over to the blonde one and call to him

"Taehyung" i say hes startled to hear his name leave my lips" come closer to us. "

he twitches and slowly comes closer his eyes wide and curious.

" Mmh princess go get my big dildo and sit on it" you say softly staring into his eyes.

Jungkook grabs the back of my neck and squeezes.

" Don't fuck with Taehyung I swear to fuck Y/n. Tell him to do something like that-" he stops as you squeeze him into silence and he let's out a whimper.

My attention was on Jungkook until I heard that smooth voice pipe up.

" Ma watch me" he had gently requested, looking over you as he had come back with the toy in question.

Jungkook whips around to see Taehyung holding the aforementioned toy.

"Hyung!" he squeals out seeing him spit on to the toy and rub it all over to make sure its wet enough.

groaning at the sight you speak to him "Fuck princess tell me what your gonna do huh princess"

jungkook grips your waist tight and drops you back down on his cock. he faces you towards taehyung and spreads your leg till they lie back on the bed.

TAehyungs eyes darken as he slips his panties to the ground and sucks on two of his fingers till there soaked then he rubs his hole. It slick when he pushes in a finger and the low timbre of his voice slowly reaches your ears as he groans softly as he adds another finger.

"Princess you look beautiful" looking at Taehyung I become breathless .

"Y/n ahhh" he gasps out as he adds a third finger and bounces on them.

i hear a grunt behind me and look to see it was Jimin with his hands in his skirt moving rapidly and another fingering his hole.

Clenching tight around jungkook he grunts and buries his face into my neck and grips my waist tight as he jack hammers into me .

Taehyung whines at the lost at my attention and adds a fourth finger when i look back.

"Oh fuck Princess talk to me ." I gasp out .

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