Chapter 1

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A/N: Welcome to book 6, the final book in our Pure Illusion Series! If you've come this far, then you know parting with these characters is a bit hard for me to do. Unfortunately, this book will only be 10 chapters.

However, I'm proud to say we have a book 6 cover that includes our wonderful family. Shoutout to Jemyart on tumblr for making such a BEAUTIFUL cover. Honestly I'm obsessed. She is also created book 5's new cover - maybe I ask her to make more covers in the future? Let me know!

But back to our story; I will incorporate parts of Infinity War into our story, but I will hold off until chapter 2 or 3 as I know many of you have not seen the movie. Grab a warm cuppa, sit back and relax as we begin our final journey...

Planning the twin's birthday had worn on Sigyn's patience, and much to her dismay Loki had hardly helped her at all. It was as if he could hardly be bothered with the twins, as if now that they were physically here, they were a burden.

The party was as loud and chaotic as ever. However, there was a small lull in which Sigyn had hidden herself in the kitchen to sit, her feet sore from walking around all day entertaining guests. They had invited nobilities from almost every Realm as well as other guests from other far off places. Vali and Narvi were mainly sticking to the obstacle course that had been constructed for them, hacking at each other with their newfound wooden swords that were gifted from the King of Alfheim.

"My Queen, Lady Grisé was wondering if she might have a word with you." Eméra said quietly, having found her mistress in the corner of the kitchen.

The Vanir's recent disapproval of Loki was unfortunately directed towards Eméra as she began to lash out with frustration.

"Why must he leave me like I am still his servant girl? He acts as if I am steadfast with all things, not just him. I am more alone now than I ever was before we were wed, but it is as if he cares not for what my thoughts and feelings are in this matter. I am but a trophy for him to parade around - something to appeal to the crowds to prove he is benevolent. God of Lies, Mischief and Abandonment would be more tasteful name."

"Do you wish for me to tell Lady Grisé you are not well?" Eméra replied, quite confused as to what was upsetting her mistress.

Sigyn pinched the bridge of her nose slightly - a habit she had picked up from her husband. "No, no. Tell her I'll be there in a moment."

As Eméra left, the kitchen that had been bustling with servants seemed to come to a stop. The sudden stillness allowed the blonde maiden to think.

Much had changed in the four years since the twins had been born. It had also been nearly four years since she had laid eyes on Midgard or her brother-in-law, Thor. Something about that time clouded Loki's mind, especially as of late. Anytime she would attempt to have him tell her what truly happened and not have him lie and manipulate his way out of the truth, they would argue until they were red in the face and someone slammed a door. She knew he was lying, about everything. Part of her wanted to know; the other knew that perhaps living in denial was for the best.

"Are you truly that angry with me my darling?" The devilish god's lips let the words flow like honey, as if they alone would solve everything.

Rolling her eyes slightly, the goddess turned her attention to a pan that was hanging overhead and stood up to use it as a mirror while she adjusted her hair.

"My love, many have tried to stay angry with me, but their attempts are futile..."

Loki's hands pulled at her hips, moving her back into his chest. His breath tickled the hollow of her neck and the smell of pine and leather overwhelmed her. Soft, perfect lips ghosted over her neck, teasing and taunting her. She had all but given in when he pulled away.

Denouement Beauty {Pure Illusion Series: Book 6}Where stories live. Discover now