Chapter 10

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A/N: Finally, after years of writing, we're here. I have thought of how I wanted this final chapter to look for YEARS. Now that it's finally here, I can say it is not at all what I originally pictured, at least not at first. 

I want to take this note to thank all of you who have been with me since day one, who patiently waited for YEARS for me to finish this story. I want to thank those of you that have joined along the way and have read, reread and analyzed every part of this story - I have a special something in store for you! 

Lastly, I want to thank Loki and Sigyn for telling their stories to me. You helped me through some of the weirdest, hardest and most difficult times in my life for the past several years. I do not know where I would have been without being able to document your story. I only wish it had ended differently. 

Without further ado ladies and gentlemen, here is the final chapter of Denouement Beauty... 

P.S - There will be no 'Author's Note' for the Epilogue, stay tuned for the Author's Notes for all the information you so desperately will be needing ;) 

"Boys, it's getting dark. We need to get going."

"But I haven't made a three-pointer yet and my big game is on Saturday!"

"We'll come back tomorrow Narvi, come on. Vali, grab your books please."

The younger of the twins gathered his belongings that he had spread out across the picnic table and slightly rolled his eyes.

"I don't see why I need to come and watch Narvi pretend to play basketball every day."

"For the same reason he comes to see you compete in your fencing match each month - you're supposed to support one another."

Vali frowned but nodded in understanding. He watched as Narvi took one more shot at his attempt to make his first three-pointer. Just when it looked hopeless, the ball suddenly moved closer to the hoop and went in. Narvi let out a whoop, running around chattering away.

Of course, the soldier noticed the slight of hand his younger brother had produced. The three of them began walking back towards home.

"Vali, let him fail and achieve on his own; not everything has to work out the first time. Besides, how is it going to look when he goes home bragging to your mom he finally made a basket?" The solider whispered, as for only the youngest Prince of Asgard to hear. 

The dark haired boy shrugged a signature smirk that was known too well of all. It was moments like these that Sigyn swore Loki had returned to them.

It had been nearly six years since Narvi, Vali and Sigyn had returned to Midgard and nearly four years since they had moved out of Stark Tower and into an apartment in Brooklyn. For almost a year, Sigyn had held onto the hope that Loki would one day return. But with each passing day since that first year on Midgard, that hope grew smaller and smaller until it was almost non-existent.

"Is Mom happy? Staying here?" Narvi piped up after some time. In a few years time, he knew he would be returning to Asgard. At first, Sigyn had promised to return but lately, she seemed less and less eager to return to the realm of the gods.

Bucky ran his metal fingers through his short hair and sighed. He had cut it years ago after Steve's death since it fit better under the helmet he now donned, having taken up the mantle of Captain America. He too had noticed how happy Sigyn was on Midgard and that when she spoke of Asgard or even Vanaheim, the same joy did not seem to fill her as it once had.

"I'm not sure Narvi, she will do whatever she believes is best for you boys and for your sister. Your sister will be close to your age now when it's time for you to leave Earth, but I'm not entirely sure if your mother wants her to stay here or live on Asgard. I think we'll just have to wait and see."

Denouement Beauty {Pure Illusion Series: Book 6}Where stories live. Discover now