Lucid Dreaming

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There you were at a small deli while it's pouring outside at exactly 5:32pm while the heat from the coffee is evaporating in the air and the someone is either chatting with someone or reading a book. And you were listening to some Lofi Hip Hop while looking out the window In one of the booths In one of the corners In The cafe lost in Your own world thinking to yourself can i really do it,
And If I can how
can I keep Up with the others?

Listen while reading if u want ^^

Then in an instant you quickly Finished Your Coffee and told The Manager thanks Once Again for The free coffee, He Just smiled And waved And Said "Come Back Soon" Then You walked towards the door and Remembered hiw It Makes A little jingle Once It Opens Because of the bell above the door, and you noticed that once before.
Once it opens you close your eyes for the first time since getting up from the booth and you inhaled ready to feel the rain drop from the sky onto your face you took a deep breath and inhaled that cool air from that gloomy evening then soon exhaled air the color was that of a sky blue and but what felt like an arctic wind, you could feel the air leaving your lungs as you see the air leave your mouth as you stick out your hand so you could feel it hit your skin. And once your hand made contact with it soon felt like your hand was turning ice cold.
You quickly drew back your hand shoving it back into the pocket of your letter mans jacket thinking to yourself
"What the fuck was that all about and were the hell am i ?"

Then soon you checked your surroundings and then turned your head and your eyes shot wide open in absolute shock at what you saw, you looked to see the very planet you were just on the earth and soon realized you were in space. all while your brain racking up some kind of answer for what was going on to you at that very moment.
And after 20 minuets the earth seemed to look smaller and smaller and more far away and then soon you thought, how you were still alive and looking at the earth shrinking you were inside a bubble made out of transparent glass and somehow, you were shot into outer space and could see all the stars, all the planets and all the colorful galaxies from inside the bubble that drifted farther and farther from the earth.

And then looking and saying them to yourself jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, plu- and  before you could finish a sharp pain came into your arms and turned iinto a burning sensation  into the palm of your hands and them your eyes widened in shock as the pain intensefied and  your hands felt  like they were on fire screaming for some type of cool down.

Then, right then and there you woke up in bed and sweating and shaking your head was spinning and turning your mind racing back and forth all around like a ferris  wheel at a carnival. Your snow shade pillow was covered in sweat and  u come to a realization that there's no point soaked to the brim on both sides so no point in turning it from side to side so you threw it to the other side of your room in fear and frustration while listening to your fast and heavy breathing you put your hand to your face and soon started running it through your messy curly hair while the other was clutching the bed sheets by your side and soon noticed a drop of water on the sheet you felt the right side of your face and noticed you had tears flowing like a waterfall from your right eye all while your thinking of what just happened and then your brain finally racks up the answer you're been looking for and you quietly say to yourself while your breath still shaking " What's my ability?"

How was chapter 1 ? I'm kinda getting the hang out this lmao. Also chapter 2 otw.

Until next time.^^ ®🤓💕✌️

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