Missing a train

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Listen to this while reading it's pretty peaceful and thought it would fit the mood for most of the chapter ^^

(×××)  Pretty much meaning moving on to the next scene

Good luck ☆DEADSTAR

Flashback from previous chapter

Right before he walked out to go to the train station he felt something tug on his jacket. Atlas realized this and turned around and he was surprised to see the new girl from earlier right behind him. She just looked at him and he looked at her as gold and Amber once again reunited.

In that Moment all they could hear in that moment was the rain hitting whatever surface it landed on rapidly as it fell.
Other than that and the fresh scent of rain hitting both of there noses being the only thing they noticed while looking at each other.

"Are you going to the train station" ?
She asked him not taking her eyes off of him and him doing the same.
"Y-yea I am" Atlas said trying not to stumble over his words.
"You" ? He asked the girl

"Mhmm" Was all she said while nodding at him.

Her face turning a little pink as she spoke I lifting up her arms to show the sleeves on her jacket

"Ohhh" Atlas said now understanding the current situation while looking at her wet clothes.
He then took out his umbrella and put it up over his head so it would shield him from the rain.

Atlas gave her a smile that showed her warmth in an instant. "C'mon let's go" He smiled at the girl.

She smiled back at him showing her canines with the pink remaining on her cheeks "Yea!"

The two then arrived at the train station and we're no longer under the rain so they Atlas no longer held his umbrella.

Taking just a second to make sure he wasn't wrong, the ash blonde haired boy did a quick run through of all the trains that he saw at his local subway station each and every day. "Let me think... I normally get on the train that I missed today that leaves at around 4PM and arrives at home about half an hour later. I leave and get onto the station and there's always a line of trains to the right hand side..." He began his usual muttering that he did whenever deep in thought, which earned him an odd look from the girl with the messy buns, since this was the first time she had seen his legendary muttering in person. Nodding his head, he reaffirmed his statement. "Yep, I'm sure of it. It leaves about five minutes after my train gets back. I'm pretty sure it takes a faster route too.

"You're kidding!" The girl seemed to bounce up and down with excitement over this new information she was being presented with. She was almost like a kid at Christmas opening a new gift. "C-C-Can I t-t-travel with you then?" When Atlas nodded his head - What else could he do? say no, turn heel and run for it? - The New girl had to physically stop herself from hugging the boy, and she came very close to doing so, before she remembered his multiple shattered limbs that went along his arms. Instead, she just placed her hands in his shoulders and continued to bounce up and down in her trademarked zeal. "You're the best!" He soon became flustered by her words T-Thanks he said to her.


The two went to take a seat so they could wait for the next train.
It was a minute of silence just listening to the rain and taking in the scent as the two sat there together.
Atlas decided to break the silence "So what's your name?"
He asked the silent new girl.

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