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Asking out the girl you've liked since elementary to a party can't be too hard.. right?
Well for Atlas that's different He usually gets nervous and his award like nerd attitude comes into play around this time. Today was Friday and the party was tomorrow so he had to get the job done by the end of the day so he walked up to the girl known as Kendall and it looked like she was busy on her phone listening to music through her earphones so she didn't notice his presence at the moment. The boy tapped her shoulder and she quickly reacted kind of startled wanting to know who it was interrupting her music but soon relaxed seeing it was just Atlas. And she brushed her black hair behind her ear while looking at him.Her and Atlas were pretty good friends for awhile having known each other since the fourth grade just not realizing the boy in front of her had feeling for her for quite awhile. "What's up Atlas" The girl replied with a flashy smile as her green emerald eyes locked with his gold ones. A blush spread across the ash blondes cheeks soon realizing this and quickly replied not wanting to be caught staring into her eyes. U-um a-are you g-g-going to N-Nyros party tomorrow ? Then it seemed as if she remembered something
" Oh shit I forgot about the party" She mentally cursed at herself for that. 'Yea I'll be there definitely" She said as she held her phone in her left hand while the other sitting by her side. Clearly shocked by the words she just said Atlas responded of course still with his akwardness W-Who A-Are You Going W-W-With ?
Now his heart dropped he wanted nothing more than to go with her to the party and would hate to see her go with someone else.. the burning sensation returned to his veins and palms and he had to keep his self control in front of his crush regardless of the pain he felt at the moment. Atlas used to have a real explosive temper back in middle school, and would get angry over small things but now he's different. , "I'm going by myself tho" Atlas eyes widened and he couldn't believe what he just heard, he almost did a double take by the words he just heard from her. "
"Who are you going with Atlas?" She asked kind of embarrassed from admitting that she's going alone. Then at that moment the boy took a deep breath and remembered his brothers word.

"Only it you ask Kendall to go with you"

He then exhaled and decided to do it.
"I was actually planning on asking you to go with me Kendall" Kendall could've sworn she had keep herself from jumping onto her friend while her eyes sparkled at the sand hair colored teen. "YEA LETS GO TOGETHER IT'LL BE FUN" Atlas was beyond shocked by her response and didn't expect that kind of reaction. He Then Shifted his look to the rest of the class who looked at then in pure shock, some with there mouth hung wide open. "Thanks Nyro And Thanks Luck" He Mentally said to himself while the final bell rang which meant that the school day was over.

Once the he was home Atlas told his mom about the party he was going too with Luck tomorrow she said it was fine as long as he stays safe and not and comes keeps her updated by texting her are calling her on the phone so she can keep up with him.

Atlas headed up to his room and closed the door and once the door was closed he barely kept himself from doing a back flip and his hands were hurting more and more as time passed on but he continued to ignore it but it was getting harder and harder to.

He then begun to think about how crazy it was that Kendall decided to go with him of all people and of how much he loved her. "Whats gonna happen tomorrow night" He thought to himself.. And then thought to his brother... "OH SHIT I FORGOT TO TELL LUCK" The boy then pulled out his phone at the speed of light found his contact and called him wanting to tell him about his most recent success.

As for Atlas he had another dream last night as he slept. He was floating around in an area that was pitch black and he was sitting there floating then from a distance he saw a girl standing a little far from him but enough for him to see her face..

"KENDALL" He said as he was then put on the ground as he felt his feet touch the surface and he ran towards her as fast as he could but then as he got closer he noticed something was wrong. He then stopped as He then felt his face and noticed tears flowing from his face and a wave of pure sadness hit the teen out of nowhere like a tidal wave. And then his hands started burning and his hands felt like they were on fire and his eyes widened in shock and a surprise as steam started to rise from both of his palms And he just didn't understand why this was happening he just looked at the girl that was just so close go farther and father out of his reach as tears continued to fall steam continued to rise he tried to call to her "k-kendall" He said weakly. He then heard a faint sound then heard it once again as it sounded like metal hitting the ground or steel hitting steel or a pin getting pulled out of something.

Atlas woke up in terror and fear as his hands started shaking just from looking at his hands and then looked at his other palm and looked at his clock it read 11:05PM all he could say in that moment during that time of the night while his breathing was shaking he barely got the name out and said to himself "Kendall"

OMG THIS WAS A PUSH 😅 BEFORE U GET ON MY HEAD ABOUT THIS I already know what ur about to say

I tHouGht YoU SaiD cHaPter 3 wAS gOnNa bE tHe paRty


See You Soon 🌟☠️🌟

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