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Btw in this chapter takes place on a Friday and Atlas asked Kendall to go with him on Thursday

Enjoy ^^

Chapter 4

As he stepped outside it became clear to her that Mother Nature was conspiring against her in every way. The dark clouds that had been massing for some time picked that exact moment to disgorge their contents. The heavens opened and big fat drops of rain began to fall at great speed, drenching all below including Atlas. He should really have taken the time to put on the coat he had instead of stuffing it in his backpack.

Clutching his backpack close to him he hurried through the falling rain towards the sanctuary of the shop. The familiar jingling of the bell over the door was like music to his ears as he passed over the threshold and into the dimly lit interior.

The proprietor of the shop, an ancient unnamed man, glanced up, smiled and tipped his head to him. A kindly, quiet and private person, he shuffled towards the back of the shop and his small kitchenette to put the kettle on. His favourite customers were treated to a beverage while they listened to music or just take in the energy of the deli around them while reading a book. There weren't many who were part of that special group but Atlas was one of them.

His tired feet and complaining head could do with a rest he thought to himself. The old man approached him with a hand towel and the ash blonde of course thanked him but had to refuse considering the burning sensation he was getting in his hands from his unlocked power. He placed his backpack between the couch and the wall, sat down, leaned back, let his muscles relax, took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes while the man brought him a hot chocolate.

He was so lost in his own thoughts so much that he didn't come out of it until he heard the bell of the shop jingle signaling that someone had entered the shop the boy noticed the newly arrived figure remove her coat and approach the old man to exchange a few words with him. He never noticed the gentle tread of his footsteps as he approached or his snuffle as he tried to suppress a sneeze. He didn't even feel the gentle pressure of the hands of the figure as they touched his arm.

The boys hypnosis like state was finally broken by the stranger when, in a soft sweet voice that carried a hint of a smile, the figure spoke the words 'Is this seat taken?'

Then out of nowhere the boy woke up breathing pretty heavily. He took a moment to gain his composure and realized that he wasn't sweating and that besides the heavy breathing he wasn't feeling the same as he did in his past dreams. He felt at ease and wanted to go to that shop and sit in the deli and talk to the man that owns the store. He would like that peace and to be able to feel the energy of the shop and the rain as it poured down outside. And to know who that person was..


Once Atlas got to school he went to his seat and set his umbrella down by him and then took off his backpack. And even though it wasn't raining it said it would on the weather earlier that morning while he was eating breakfast his mother told him to take it just in case. That was enough to convince him that something could happen later on.

Once class started Atlas was thinking about last nights dream.

? :"Yo,Atlas" And that's when suddenly a paper ball hit him from the back of his head. Atlas quickly turned around to see who it was that caused it. And he smiled when he saw the person behind him.

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