First day as real adults

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We ended up falling asleep after eating. All I remember was waking up to my mom calling me. I answered the call of course.

Mom: "Good morning sweetheart."

Me: "Good morning mom. Why are you up so early?" My mom was never a morning person, but I guess she's just worrying about me since her "little girl" moved away.

Mom: "I just miss you that's all."

Me: "Mom. It's only been a day"

Mom: "I don't care, you're just not my baby anymore."

Me: "I haven't been a little girl for a while now mom. But everything is gonna be okay. Me and JJ are gonna be perfectly fine. We're doing good so far."

Mom: "No issues?"

Me: "No mom, no issues I promise."

Mom: "Okay, that's good to hear. Go back to sleep sorry I woke you up."

Me: "How did you kn-"

Mom: "I know everything. Told you you're still my little girl."

Me: "Okay fine. I love you I gotta go. And also we're in different time zones now, so you just woke me up at 5 in the morning."

Mom: "I'm so sorry!"

Me: "It's okay. But I'm going back to sleep." I said and I hung up the call. That may have seemed disrespectful but she just worries too much. I'm 18 in LA. I bought my own flight ticket, me and JJ bought an apartment together, and we still have money. We're perfectly fine. And my mom woke me up way too early.
I got up and went to the bathroom. In the moment I realized we didn't have any necessities. We had toothbrushes, but no toothpaste. So this is great. I didn't know what store I could go to so I quickly put my hair up into a bun and quietly put on my shoes so I can go and wander LA to find the things we needed as teenage girls to survive🤦🏻‍♀️ I ended up coming across a small corner store that was open 24/7. Freaking life savers🙌🏼
I went back to the apartment after buying toothpaste, eggs, and plastic utensils. I entered the apartment and saw JJ on her phone eating ice cream straight out of the container.

Me: "Are you serious?"

JJ: " What?"

Me: "JJ. Really? It's 5:30 in the morning and you're eating ice cream. You haven't even brushed your teeth yet." I put the plastic bag in the counter in the kitchen and grabbed a plastic spoon from the bag. I quickly looked over at JJ realizing that she was eating ice cream by just licking it from the container.

Me: "You are literally a freaking animal."

JJ: "Am not." She argued.

Me: "Not even gonna argue with you." And I grabbed an extra plastic spoon and tossed it to her. I jumped on the blankets and joined in on our "breakfast." We ended up eating half the carton of ice cream and noticed we had nothing to do besides record our video and edit.

JJ: "What is our video gonna be about?"

Me: "We could do a sit down and talk video. We haven't done one of those in years." JJ and I have been making YouTube videos since we were about 12 or 13 and our first video was a sit down and talk video.

JJ: "What would we talk about?"

Me: "I don't know maybe about the fact that we just moved to LA and we are making our dreams come true?" I was being sarcastic once again since the idea was pretty obvious.

JJ: "True. That was so obvious how did I not think of it?"

Me: "I don't know buddy." I shrugged my shoulders and we let out a few laughs. "Wait!" An idea popped up into my head.

JJ: "Hm?"

Me: "We can call out video 'A day in the life as an actual adult' or something like that and just go nuts."

JJ: "That's a better idea." She chuckled.
A few hours later
We went to Best Buy to buy a TV and I decided to buy a MacBook. Why not🤷🏻‍♀️ and we went back home and set up the TV in the living room where our "bed" was and and I set up my new MacBook.
We then set up our cameras and lights to make our video. We basically were just gonna talk about our moving process to LA and how we are going to accomplish our dreams here.

JJ: "Hey guys!"

Me: "Welcome back to our YouTube channel. Or if you're new welcome to our YouTube channel." That was our intro for every video we have ever made.

JJ: "Today, we are going to make kind of a long video."

Me: "For a little bit we just wanna talk to you guys about how being an adult is like."

JJ: "We haven't been doing it long, but it's actually pretty fun. Except for the fact that we have no furniture and no food." She forced out a laugh. But I started to laugh for real cause the struggle was real but it was kind of funny.

Me: "Oh yeah. And as you can see, me and JJ are no longer in Springfield. We moved to LA as of yesterday to start a new life."

JJ: "For those of you who have been subscribed for a while, you know that this wasn't something we planned over night. This is something that we have been planning since we were both 12 years old."

Me: "And we worked hard to accomplish this. Moving to LA and being successful is a thing that we were told we were never going to be able to accomplish."

JJ: "But we didn't care about what people said cause we knew we had each other and that's all that mattered to us."

Me: "We couldn't let people bring us down. That would only set us back and we wouldn't have been able to ever be here right now in Las Angeles, California if it weren't for you guys."

JJ: "Everyone who's subscribed, everyone who watches our videos gives us more support every time you click on a video and every time you hit that subscribe button."

Me: "We wouldn't be here without you guys."

JJ: "We love you guys so much."

Me: " We really do."

JJ: "And by the way this is not the end of the video." She let out a laugh.

Me: "No way! We just wanted to say that to let you guys know that you're the reason we are here right here, right now. But this video, is gonna get a little crazy."
Never did we really know how crazy it would get🤫

End of chapter 2! The next part is where the fan fiction starts. I edited most of this chapter in school and succeeded without getting caught😂 No I'm not supposed to be using my phone in school but idc, anything to continue keeping my creative mind in form.
Hope you guys enjoyed this section!❤️

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