The video

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A few days after meeting the twins and going out to eat with them, we were all gonna film a video for their channel(Credits to JJ for coming up with this part of the story in school. Thanks bestie!💓) JJ and I were our way over to Ethan and Grayson's.
*Knock knock*
Grayson opens the door.

Grayson: "Hey guys!"

Me: "Hey." I went in for a hug and got a hug back. JJ hugged him too.

Grayson: "E! They're here!"

Ethan: "Alright! I'm coming!" He shouts from inside the apartment.

Me: "What video are we gonna be filming today?"
I asked as me and JJ started walking inside.

Grayson: "Don't freak out."

Me: "Unless it involves me getting anything alive put on me, I'll be fine."

Grayson: "Okay. Types of girlfriends."

JJ: "Huh?"

Grayson: "The video is called 'Types of Girlfriends'"

Me: "Oh. Out of all ideas?"

Grayson: "Well I mean it's been requested a lot and as you can tell there are no girls in our life. Except for you guys. And that happened a few days ago."

JJ: "True." She always says that when she's uncomfortable. I was too, so I know how she feels.

Me: "So what's gonna happen?"

Ethan: "You and Grayson kisssss." Ethan teases Grayson from inside the apartment setting up the camera.

Me: "We kiss?" I asked.

Grayson: "Well..." He looked over at Ethan and gave him a look. Ethan laughed. "It was Ethan's idea." He shrugged his shoulders.

Ethan: "Hey! Don't lie on my name. It was your idea."

Me: "I don't care who's idea it was. Let's just film." I said.
They explained the whole concept of the video and what we had to do. Every time it got to me and Grayson about to kiss I said something stupid or laughed. JJ pulled me aside to talk.

JJ: "What the fuck are you doing Gizelle?"

Me: "Nothing. What the hell?"

JJ: "You're nervous."

Me: "Am not!"

JJ: "Are to."

Me: "Shut the hell up."

JJ: "Listen. Can you stop acting like such a goof and just kiss him? So I can kiss Ethan."

Me: "Oh yeah. They planned for you guys to kiss too."

JJ: "Exactly and I'm not being a weirdo like you are." She giggles.

Me: "We're both weirdos JJ. Ineffective comeback buddy."

JJ: "I don't care! Just do it. You'll be fine."

Me: "You're right."
We did our handshake we came up with 6 years ago and then made our way back to the boys.

JJ: "She's good." She informs them. Cause apparently I wasn't good before.
Me and Grayson filmed the whole scene. And then this was the part where we were going to kiss. All I could think was OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!
I heard JJ chuckle behind the camera and then mines and Grayson's lips crashed together. I don't know what kind of kiss it was supposed to be, but all I know is that it wasn't just a little petty ass kiss. I was a KISS. And I liked it. A lot.

Ethan: "Well then. That happened." All I could do was look into Grayson's eyes and just admire him. Oh no!

Me: "JJ?"

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