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JJ and Ethan had their one year a few days ago. We all decided to go out altogether and celebrate our anniversaries.
We were in the mall taking pictures.

Grayson: "Me and Ethan have something we need to pick up from a store."

Me: "So basically you're saying you need to leave?"

Ethan: "We're still gonna be in the mall, just not right here."

JJ: "If any bitch fucks with you call me. Your too sexy to be wandering on your own without me."

Ethan: "I only want you. I don't need anyone else baby." He kissed her.

Grayson: "You wanna say anything?" He was scared.

Me: "I trust you. I just don't trust these thirsty hoes."

Grayson: "Thank you. This is why I love you." He grabbed my waist and pulled me into his body. There was girls staring.

Me: "Yes?" I looked at a group of girls that were starring at Grayson. "He's mines." I kissed him as they walked away.

JJ: "Deal with it Grayson. She's crazy." We all laughed.

Ethan: "Okay. Meet us at the food court in 2 hours."

Me: "Why so long?! Where are you guys going? What are we supposed to do?"

JJ: "Yeah. We're supposed to spend today all together." She whined.

Me: "Come on Baby." I pouted and looked at Grayson.

Grayson: "You guys are gonna love this." He kissed my forehead. "Here is $200."

Me: "What?!"

Ethan: "You too JJ." Me and JJ each had two hundred bucks in our hands.

Me: "Wha-" before I could finish Grayson and Ethan ran off so that they could do whatever they needed to do.

JJ: "They're cheating."

Me: "No they're not. That's not even on the list."
One hour later
JJ: "How does this look?" She came out of the dressing room with a dress on.

Me: "Ehhh I like the other one better."

JJ: "Me too. But it's so expensive."

Me: "Bitch. We haven't spent one dollar of the money they gave us. The other dress is 50 bucks. Get it!" The only reason we haven't spent any of the money was cause it was a lot and we felt like we were taking advantage of them in some way.

JJ: "They gave us too much money."

Me: "I know. I know. But I mean come on, they left us alone for... it's already been an hour. Don't feel guilty."

JJ: "If you don't feel guilty then why haven't you bought anything?" She raised an eyebrow and went back into the dressing room. I followed her and went in with her.

Me: "Cause... I haven't seen anything I want." I lied.

JJ: "We have walked past 5 freaking stores already that I've seen you eyeing something cute. I'm not buying the dress I want until you go to one of those stores and buy something."

Me: "Fine! But you have to come with me."

JJ: "Are you really gonna buy something?"

Me: "Yes." I rolled my eyes.

JJ: "Okay. Let me pay for the dress first."
Grayson's POV
Ethan: "What if they walk over here bro?"

Me: "They aren't gonna walk over here! Chill."

Ethan: "We're gonna get caught and then the whole thing is gonna be ruined."

Me: "Bro! Relax! The lady is grabbing the rings and then we're gonna leave and meet them at the food court."

Ethan: "Okay. I'm good."

Me: "Thank you. Acting like a little bitch. Damn."

Ethan: "You were freaking out too Grayson!"

Me: "But not like a little girl."

Ethan: "Alright. Alright."

Worker: "Okay gentlemen. Here are your rings. Who ever you're asking to marry you are very lucky young ladies."

Me: "Thank you."

Ethan: "Thank you."
Gizelle's POV
Me: "Hey it's the guys." I pointed out to JJ as we walked out of a store.

JJ: "They have nothing in their hands. Where did they go?"
We ran up to them.

Me: "We were just walking to the food court."

Grayson: "You scared me."

Me: "Can I ask you a question?"
He nodded his head.
Me: "Why don't you have any bags?"
Grayson's POV
Shittttttt. After me and Ethan left the jewelry store we put the ring boxes in our pockets so nothing would be suspicious.
Gizelle's POV
Me: "Honestly, all I need to know is were you... with any other... girls?" Please say no.

Grayson: "Of course not. We didn't wanna ruin the surprise we have for you guys so we dropped the bags off at our place."
Thank god

Me: "Oh. How big is the surprise?"

JJ: "Like... small? Or big?" Me and JJ looked at each other and laughed.

Ethan: "Oh my god guys. You're about to turn 20 damn years old."

Grayson: "Leave then alone it was pretty funny."

JJ: "Small or big?" She said laughing. A year came out of her eye.

Me: "I know it's big." I was laughing so hard.

JJ: "Really?"

Me: "Yeah buddy." We were still laughing.

Grayson: "Okay that's enough we don't need anyone knowing how big it is."

JJ: "To be honest it's not that big."
I paused.

Me: "Wait."

JJ: "Yeah?"

Me: "His?" I asked pointing at Ethan.

JJ: "Yeah." She basically yelled because she started laughing again.

Me: "Oh my fucking god!" I started crying from laughing so hard.

Ethan: "JJ! That's not true. That's not what you said last week."

Me: "Woah woah woah! Ethan making big moves? With what tho?"
JJ stopped laughing and gasped.

JJ: "You're fucked up!"

Me: "Since we were... hmmm lemme see. 12 damn years old?"

JJ: "No! I meant that I was supposed to say that!"

Grayson: "Okay guys. I think we should stop now."

Me: "Yeah okay I'm done now."

JJ: "Me too. Sorry guys."

Ethan: "You didn't do anything to Grayson. What about me?"

Me: "Sorry Ethan." I tried to hide my laugh.
JJ whispered something into his ear and he smiled. I looked at her with my 'What did you say?' Face and she looked back with her 'I'll tell you later' face.

The next chapter is in August. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter especially the part where me and JJ were dying to something really dumb. We have actually laughed at something like this before so its relatable. Lmfaoooo
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