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How tender it would be
Surrounding my arms around you
Protecting your being from any danger
From any harm, from your own anger

Having the smell of your skin impregnated into mine
The warmth of your chest against the coldness of my heart

Sharing a couch that can tell a hundred stories about the two of us

The sun setting in the horizon
Calling us to tell all the hidden feelings our hearts will never regret

I'd rather regretting each and every single time
I dared to ignore your existence
For it is vital and imperative for my life

The thought of you makes me shiver
Awakens my senses
Taughts me that love is not just kisses and hugs
But endless contemplation and devotion

Limitless are the words for me to say
How wonderful and perfect you become day by day

Actions are endless to make
For were I able to do so, I would make your wishes come true
By just committing my life to yours
Being thyself the reason of my being alive

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