You Make Your First Friend

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(A:N: Your friend can be any gender,the only reason why is because I don't know about your friends only you do. Plus (f/f/n) means first friend's name). And on the Leliana scenario the guy friend from the birthday scenario will be your first friend, I'll explain later.

King Alistair

Your P.O.V.
You were out in the streets, blissfully wandering around and chasing a few small animals. Your parents were looking everywhere for you even your brother and his friends. They even sent guards to look for you. You then realized that you were lost and it was almost nightfall. You cried a little in the street. No one cared they just worked and did Maker knows what.

" Hey what's wrong ?",you hear a childish voice say softly. You look up and see a (boy or girl) that looked like (he/she) was about one or two years older than you.

" I want to go home but I lost my way.",you say with a few tears streaming from your eyes. (She/He) felt bad for you. (She/He) held out (her/his) hand. You look up at (her/him) and say," What ?".

" Come with me I'll help you find your way home.",(she/he) says.

" Really ?",you say.(She/He) nods then you take (her/his) hand and follow (her/him).

" What's your name ?",you ask.

" I'm (F/F/N).",(she/he) answers.

" Oh, I'm (Y/N).",you respond.

You both were wandering around the town trying to get to your home. Then you see your brother and your father's dog Bruno running towards you both."(Y/N), where were you ?", mother and father were worried sick when they found out you went missing !",he said to you. (F/f/n) eyes widened then looked at you." Wait,your actually (princess/prince) (Y/N), the king's second born !",(she/he) says in disbelief.

" Yes, I am.",you say proudly.(She/he) bows to you." My (lady/lord).",(she/he) says.

" Please don't, we're not that kind of royalty.",your brother says to (her/him).(She/he) then slowly stands up."I'll see you soon !",(she/he) says before running to her home.

" Wait !",you say.

" Who was that ?", your brother asks.

" (She/he) said (her/his) name was (F/F/N).",you answer.

Your Father's P.O.V.
" Where is (she/he) ?",I asked a servant.

" Your highness we've searched all over the castle, we were beginning to think that (she/he) is out of the kingdom.",she answers. Me and my wife were worried sick for (Y/N).(She/he) has gone missing for hours. It was almost nightfall. I sat on my throne as if I were exuahsted.

" My king, your son has found (her/him) !",a guard said to me then I quickly stood up and then ordered," Send them here !".

The guard gave a nod then left me. Later, I saw both of my children enter the room with the same guard."(Y/N)!", I said as rushed to (her/him). I instantly swung (her/him) all around in my arms. I then pulled away to take a full look at (her/him) and said," Where were you ? Your mother and I were worried sick !".

" I made a friend daddy !",(she/he) said with a smile on (her/his) face.


Your father promised to take you around town with him as father and (daughter/son). You see a group of other kids that looks like they were a bit older than you, playing ball with each other. Then you see one lonely (girl/boy) that looked like (she/he) was about your age who wanted to play with the other kids. The group of kids went away from the smaller kid glaring at (her/him). You saw how mean it was for them to treat someone like that. You tug on your father's hood,he knelt down to you. You whispered in his ear," Can I go play with the (girl/boy) over there, daddy ? Please, (she/he) looks lonely.". Your father looks at the (girl/boy) you were talking about then back to you. You smile up at him, he smiles back.

" Alright, (Y/N) you can. But be careful, and if I am not here do you remember how to get home ?",he says to you. You nod a yes." How ?", he asks. You point at shortcut that your father showed you when you were a little younger." Good, see you in a little bit.",he says.

" Okay, daddy.",you say then run off to the lonely (girl/boy). You both played together for what seemed to be a long while. (She/He) said that (her/his) name was (F/F/N).


You were a quiet one, you never really talk to people much. Your father was the only person you'd really considered a friend.(A:N: I can't picture him or Morrigan letting you guys ever going out in public and make friends.)


A:N: Like I said can't picture them.

Leliana (In this scenario you are about 8 or 9, also female)

Leliana always lets you play outside enjoying the sun and such. She thought it wouldn't be good parenting not too. One day you ran around so fast you didn't know what hit you. Literally. You crashed into another kid and you both fell back. You look and see a boy that was about a year older than you and judging from what he wore he was a young noble. You got on your feet then helped him up." I'm sorry, I didn't see you there.",you tell him then he looks at you and stares with his wide (e/c) eyes. He was mesmerized by the sparkles of your big round (e/c) eyes. He was also mesmerized by your soft (s/k) skin, the scent of your (h/l) (h/c) hair, and the smile on your face. You looked absolutely beautiful to him.

You stare at him confusingly as you tilt your head to the side.

" Are you okay ?", you ask. He shakes his head and blinks." Oh... Uhh um... Yes, I'm alright. Thank you, for asking miss.", he tells you politely. You smile at him again and gave him a small giggle." What's your name ?", you ask him.

" I'm (F/G/F/N) of house (His last name).", he tells you.

" I'm-", you start only to be interrupted by your mother calling for you.

" (Y/N) !"

You turn to see her, she waves at you. You wave back." Sorry, I have to go.", you say beginning to run. He grabs your hand to stop you for a moment. You turn to see what he has to say." When can I see you again ?",he asks.

You think about it for a moment and say," I'm not sure. How about tomorrow ?", you say. He smiles at you brightly." Okay ! Tomorrow it is then.", he says letting your hand go. You run to your mother then she takes your hand and walks you home." Who was that boy, dear ?", she asks you.

" My new friend, momma.", you answered.

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