The next morning

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Somi's P.O.V

You woke the next morning with Jungkook hugging your waist and you snuggled into his chest. You didn't want to leave but you were starting to get really hungry so you decided to go downstairs and see what was going on. When you got down you saw Yoongi and Jin sitting by the table. There was an awkward silence when they both looked over at you and didn't say anything but had shocked faces. It looked like they were checking you out so you looked down and saw that you were still wearing Jungkook's clothes. You became really embarrassed and Jin noticed so he quickly got you a robe.

Jin: Here you go.

Somi: Thank you so much...

Jin: Here, come sit down

He was patting the seat next to him, which of course was also next to Yoongi. You gulped quickly and walked over, then sat down. You knew that Yoongi was staring at you but you were too nervous to look over at him.

Jin: So Somi, did you sleep well?

Somi: Yeah, I did. You?

Jin: Yeah I did too

Somi: mm

Jin: So how are you and Jungkook?

He laughed a little but after saying that and you went red.

Jin: Are you guys dating yet?

You hit his shoulder lightly

Somi: No

He laughed even more. That was when Jungkook came in.

Jungkook: Somi? Oh there you are.

Somi: Hey :]

Jungkook: When did you wake up?

Somi: Like 10 minutes ago

Jungkook came over but there were no more seats next to you. He looked over at Yoongi,

Jungkook: Hyung could you move over one seat?

Yoongi: No.

Jungkook: Why? 😕

Yoongi: Because I don't want to.

Jin: It's ok Jungkook, you can sit here.

Jungkook: Thanks hyung

He sat in Jins spot and you looked at each other and smiled

Jin: So Jungkook?

Jungkook: yeah?

Jin: When are you going to ask her out?

Jungkook: HYUNG!!

His eyes went wide while you laughed next to him. Then he looked over at you

Jin: I'm serious! When?

Jungkook: Well I don't know...

Somi: Maybe we should talk about something else...

You smiled embarrassed. Jungkook noticed and held your hand and smiled at you. You smiled back and held his hand too.

Jin: AWWWWWWWWE. Jungkook is growing up

Jungkook rubbed his neck with his other hand. After you ate you offered to clean up while the other guys got ready. They, of course, happily let you. While you where cleaning, someone came in and you didn't look up to see who it was but you thought it was Jungkook.

Somi: Oppa (pretend he likes being called oppa) when do you want me to leave?

Yoongi: Now.

You looked at him surprised.

Somi: Shit I'm sorry Suga, I thought you were Jung-

Yoongi; Yeah, I know. Don't swear!

Somi: Sorry (you whispered)

Yoongi: So do you like Exid?

Somi: mmm yeah.

Yoongi: More than you like us, right?

Somi: What?

Yoongi: Well since you decided to leave us and just go to them a few months later, it must mean you like them way more than you like us.

Somi: What are you talking about? I wasn't the one that decided to leave

Yoongi: But you didn't even fight to stay with us.

Somi: What are you talking about? Maybe you and everyone else didn't realize but I went over to Bang Si-Hyuk almost every evening begging him to let me stay with you guys. For weeks I was trying to completely change myself to please fans so they would want me to stay. I would always look at what fans wanted and made sure it happened. You remember when I started eating almost nothing?! That was for the fans! So don't you dare say I didn't try to stay. I did every I could not to leave you guys. And after I left, Bang Si-Hyuk wouldn't let me text or see you. All I did was practice and I was told to completely forget about you. Every night I was crying myself to sleep thinking about the fact that I couldn't see you. I would see you on TV and you looked so much happier after I had left. It completely ruined me. Then after so many months of suffering Bang Si-Hyuk finally put me in a group. Do you know how much it hurt me to have to move on!!!

Yoongi stayed quiet after your little speech, obviously not knowing what to say. You decided to leave without finishing the dishes. You walked past Jungkook into his room. He saw that you were pissed so he followed you to make sure you were ok. When you both entered his room he turned you around and immediately hugged you tight. You tried to escape from his grip but he wouldn't let go. After a while you just gave up and started crying into his chest. You were then explaining everything that happened to him. He didn't let go of you which made you feel a bit better. After you had finished explaining everything you heard a knock on the door.

Jungkook: Come in.

Yoongi opened the door and saw you crying while Jungkook was hugging you.

Yoongi: Can I talk to Somi?

Jungkook: Sure.

Jungkook was about to leave but you held his hand tight so he would stay. He just stayed next to you and held your hand back.

Yoongi: I'm sorry Somi. I didn't realize that you went through so much. I guess I just missed you and I was mad about you needing to leave so I just blamed you. I'm so sorry, really.

Somi: It's fine...

Yoongi: Can we be friends again? I really miss having you in my life.

Jungkook: Hyung! She's still mine

You looked up at Jungkook who was clearly embarrassed about what he just said. You just held his hand tighter and he smiled at you.

Somi: Sure we can Suga.

Yoongi: Yoongi.

Somi: mm?

Yoongi: Just call me Yoongi.

Somi: Ok.

You then both hugged each other but of course Jungkook decided to separate you. You laughed at over how protective he was being.


Hope you liked it! Sorry if there are any mistakes. Bye!

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