Chapter 2

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"Is she even still breathing?" I hear Lizzy whisper. "Of course, don't be stupid. She's just really tired from all the crying." Wait, what? Did I cry? "Shut up, you guys. I'm awake." I mumble sleepily.

As I hear their retreating footsteps on the gravel, my eyes fly open with realization. In a hurry, I scramble to the front mirror of the car.

No shit! My head is full of marks from the crevices of the pillow and my eyes, oh my! My eyes! It looks like it was repeatedly wacked with a tennis ball, in other words, really big and really, really red. My heart sinks more and more as I put some base on. It doesn't even look better!

As I get out of the car, I grab the few remaining bags. What am I going to do this month? What if things are awkward between me and Shawn? What if he realises how I truly feel about him, and he doesn't feel the same? No need to worry about that Thali, you know how he sees you. You're his sister... nothing more. I think it is worse to be seen as a sister than as a best friend by someone you see as your soulmate...


Shawn's POV

"Hey Lizzy!" I bend down to give her a proper hug. As I ruffle her hair a bit, she squeals and blushes a bright red. "Shawny, I missed you big bro!" My body shakes with laughter and she blushes even more. Last time I saw her, I taught her the use of 'bro'. She never had the confidence to actually use it, apparently she found it. Fuck, she grew up so fast.

As I rise to my full height and am about to give Clare a hug, she runs past me and litterly throws herself in Bennett's arms and squeals like a lunatic "Bennett! I missed you so much!" Since day one they have had this bond of best friends, but more than that. I know my cousin had always been in love with her and even a blindman can see she feels the same. Their bond reminds me somewhat of the bond between me and Thai, just not the 'in love' part.

Speaking of my best friend, where is she? "Hey Liz, where's Thalia?" She looks up at me with a glint in her soft green eyes, "She just woke up, she's probably still at the car." With a nod, I quickly make my way to the long path leading to the gate.

I suddenly feel a bunch of nervous butterflies circle my stomach. What the hell? Why am I nervous? It's just Thalia, the girl I grew up with. The girl that had my back throughout middle school. The girl I had late night conversations with under the bright stars. I just shrugged and dismissed it. It was just because I haven't seen her in a year. I try to convince myself.

As I get near her, my heart does the biggest sumersoult EVER! With her long dark curly hair cascading down her back, and that short skirt pronouncing her gorgeous legs, she can make any guy beg for mercy at her feet.

She's always been hot, but now, she was truly stunning! I can't take my eyes off of her. Fuck Shawn, can you sound any more like a pervert? I scold myself. What the fuck is wrong with me?

As soon as she sees me, her eyes widen and a light pink blush colours her smooth cheeks. She quickly looks away as if she's hiding something, but masks it with a radiant smile that makes my heart jump with joy. It's like seeing water after you've been stranded in the desert for a week. She is my oasis.

She throws her bags to the ground and starts to run towards me, she only gets like two steps in, before she trips and nearly falls. Before she hits the ground, I catch her and encircle her waist with my arms. I hear her sigh as she put her arms around my neck and burry her head against my shoulder. And I knew for a fact that things will never be awkward or weird between us. We will allways just be right when we're together. And nothing has or will ever change that between us.

"Fuck I missed you Thali, you have no idea how hard it was not talking to you outside my window at midnight."
A small gasp escapd her soft pink lips before she replies. "I know, it was hard for me as well. I never want that again, please don't go." Is she crying? It sounds like it. What the fuck am I going to do now? The only answer was, never let go...

It would mean the world to me if you could comment and vote

Gawsh, I am in Thalia's situation that being in love with your best friend, family friends son, and so on. And this story is actually how I imagine something to happen between me and the guy
Pathetic I know
But a girl can dream

THANK YOU for reading xxx

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