The Visitor

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To say that Peter was anxious was an incredibly large understatement. The Lost Boys had never seen their leader as nervous as he was today, and it was even more alarming that he should be feeling the opposite. After all, they were about to send two traitors off into the sea at the mercy of the creatures that lurked beneath the waves.

Instead, Peter jumped at every sudden sound and his eyes darted to any sign of abrupt movement. He kept turning to the sea in front of them, staring at seemingly nothing. It was no secret that he was waiting for the girl, but why that made him nervous, the boys did not know.

"What do you think's up with Pan?" Ben murmured to Felix, eyeing the said boy in green who currently had his back turned.

Felix shrugged. "The girl hasn't shown up yet. Pan expected her to be waiting for us at the shoreline, I think."

"But she's not here," Ben said, frowning.

"She isn't," Felix agreed. "Which Pan doesn't like, because if she's not here, where is she?"

Finally, Peter turned to the boat that contained both Oliver and Richie. The two were lying across the feeble wood, knocked unconscious with their hands tied behind their backs with thick rope.

"It's time," Peter announced grimly. He nodded at Felix, who returned the gesture before moving to the side of the boat. Two more boys joined him on either side, and they began to push the boat towards the sea. Meanwhile, Peter turned back to the rest of the boys. He wasn't surprised at the sight. He had seen it before anyway.

As usual, there were red, puffy eyes, green faces, pale expressions, sweat rolling down the back of necks...the normal looks of nausea, sadness, and grief. It was nothing he hadn't seen before.

Until the telltale signs of those emotions began to be replaced by wide eyes, trembling and cold sweat. Peter blinked in surprise before he himself felt goosebumps forming on his arm and neck. The air had turned bitterly cold all of a sudden.

The boat had hit the water and with a final push from the three boys, it floated out into the distance. As Peter watched, the waves suddenly looked more hostile. They looked hungry, and for a split second, Peter thought he saw the water already polluted with blood and the rocks already painted with crimson.

He looked at the sky that had previously been clear and bright, the sun shining through the thin white clouds, which was now an ugly grey. The wind had picked up tremendously, causing thunderclouds to race past at an alarming rate.

Suddenly, ripples in the water caught his eye. Peter's gaze immediately darted towards the rapid rings that were forming in the ocean. Then, the girl's head emerged from the wild waves.

She smiled at Peter as the rest of her body was lifted out of the ocean, as if she was on a rising platform, however, she looked completely dry. Her brown hair whipped around her neck as the wind whistled while the flowing blue skirt that she wore flapped around her ankles.

"What's happening?" Peter demanded. "Are you doing this?"

The girl shook her head as she waded through the water and onto the shore. Her feet were bare. "I'm not controlling the waves, but I do know who is." She stepped into place beside Peter and turned to the sea, her hands placed on her hips. "It won't be long before Bahari and Oculus catch wind of the boys."

"Bahari and Oculus?" Peter repeated, frowning at the foreign names.

"They're the mermaids who run this side of the sea." She explained. "They're a lovely couple. They're planning on having a baby in a few months. They asked me to name the child."

"What did you name it?" Peter asked curiously.

"Maeve," She replied, her voice taking a softer turn. "It means warrior."

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