Chapter 4

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Ruby's POV:

Liam sat down next to me, smiling at Chubs' terrified face. What could they have managed to discuss that terrified Chub's so much? Liam gave me his jacket even thought wasn't that cold. Today was one of the rare sunny days in West Virginia. Vida was still opening the can of beans we managed to steal from the nearest gas station. We ate in silence until it became so unbearable that I had to ask.

"Why?" Zu only looked at me her big eyes becoming even bigger. And then the sting of tears hit me again. Th back of my throat hurt, and my eyes watered making everything blurry. What would Cate say?

"I'm sorry" was the only thing she managed to choke out before she too collapsed into tears. Liam and Chubs only looked confused, but Vida knew what was going on. She hit Chubs a little too hard making it clear they should remove themselves from the area.

"Come on skoot rats" She spat moving closer to us. She wrapped her hand around Zu and whispered something into her ear. Zu looked at me and said.

"He made me do it... I couldn't control myself." She started crying again.

"It's okay honey, you're alright," Said Vida carefully watching me to, detect any signs of anger towards Zu. If I had shown any she would already have ripped me to pieces.

"It's not okay! Everyone keeps telling me that but it's not okay. I should have been stronger! If not for you than for him." It was the most I have heard Zu speak in over a month.

"I... I... I... I'm not mad........ I... were... How...... I..." It was the most I could manage before I collapsed into tears for the third time that day. I have almost ruined Liam, and now I have ruined Zu. Why had he made her do it? Why not me? "Does Cate know?" I stammered my words barely heard over the heavy breathing and the strong fast beating of my heart.

"No." It was the last word I heard her say for the next four months or so. I didn't speak as much either. 

Over the course of the next few months, Liam made quite a few attempts at making me feel better, but I didn't buy it. He and Chubs still didn't know about Jude and were very confused as to why we were like this. I told Liam that how could I be happy when such terrible things are happening to the country and it's people but he knew there was something more to it. Fortunately for me, he didn't push the topic.

Vida's POV:

I knew about Zu's secret from the very day Jude died. You see when she did it, she came to me for comfort. She said to keep it a secret because she thought that Ruby would leave her. Despise her. Spit on her for the rest of her life, but I knew that she knew that Ruby would never do that. However, I have a feeling that Chubs and Liam wouldn't be too happy to hear about it. Zu started speaking, but only to me. Each night when she would get her nightmares we walked together and she would cry into my shoulder, broken by the things she can't control. At one point I can't bear it anymore. It wasn't that she was whining. I totally understood her. But it was more about me than her. I was going through some problems of my own you see. Strange things have been happening to me lately. I could do other things. Things I have never done before.

The ground beneath my feet felt soft and wet as I strolled through the dark. I often took these night walks with Zu, but today I was alone. My thoughts occupied me for quite some time, I lost my train of thought when a loud bang echoed through the trees behind our house. (Which wasn't really ours) I turned around so fast something in my neck cracked. I didn't have time to acknowledge the pain. I ran toward the noise hopeful for other survivors, but silently praying it was just a squirrel or something.

 I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Liam on the ground lifeless, and shivering at the same time. I looked around searching for the source of the attack. And then I saw it. A dark shadow which rushed through the trees, away from the scene. I wanted to run after it but I needed to help Liam. I lifted him up with my abilities surprised by how light he was. I've lifted heavier things but never a body. 

I could hear my own heart beating, and my thoughts screaming prayers that Liams' was beating too. I lay him down on the ground, checking his pulse. But when my fingers touched his soft, warm skin, I felt nothing.

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