Chapter 5

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OMG OMG OMG!! Do you think Liam died? Well, read and find out already!!!! Ohhh and also sorry for the no title chapters but I have no great IDEA'S so just suck it up and let me call them Chapter 1-2-3-4-5-6-6-7-8-9........... NOW READE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ruby's POV:

This time I was falling. Falling falling falling. I just kept falling I never seemed to stop falling. I felt peaceful and connected. Connected to every single mind in the world. Even Liam's. But this time I didn't fight it. I just let his memories and thought's spill into my head overwhelming me just a little. But what I saw woke me up.

I slammed my head into the bottom of the top bunk as I sat up so quickly my back cracked. I had let my guard down, and my mind wanders again. Except for this time, there was no Liam to comfort me. There was also no Vida. I jumped out of bed quickly dressing, and literally flying outside. I realized it wasn't my dream that woke me but a loud bang. I heard Vida scream, and I ran even faster. I skipped 5 stairs at a time, running at a surprising pace.

"Vida!" I shouted over the blood rushing through my ears.

"Ruby!" She screamed back in tears. I had never seen Vida cry, so this was a first. But I wasn't focusing on her. My eyes were on Liam. His limp body on the ground. But there was something different about him. His big chest wasn't moving. He wasn't breathing. Now I knew why his thoughts were so dark. It was because there were no thoughts. 

This time I focused on her face. She was shaking. Her eyes sulking in as if they wanted to disappear. For the first time in months, I realized just how tired she was. How many times had she unknowingly disappear? Without even realizing it I slipped into Liam's mind yet once again seeing darkness. Why was he like this? Who had killed him? Why? I was pushed out by an invisible wall which slammed into me with such force I stumbled back. 

"He's alive!" I said maybe a little too loud. Something from deep inside of him was pushing me out. Although it stung to know he was still scared of me and what I could do I knew that you couldn't block me out if you were dead. He still had a chance.

"How? He doesen't have a pulse. He's not breathing?" Vida said back desperate. She really was broken. And for the first time, I saw hoe really broken she was. What could she be going through?

"It's simple. His body has shut down but his mind and his spirit still lives. There could be a chance for him but we need to get him inside" I mumbled with a shaky breath. I silently prayed that he could still be alive. I couldn't lose him. Not know.

We carried him inside trying to be as quiet as possible. We didn't want Zu to see this. From all the grief she's been going through she couldn't see Liam like this. It would mentally break her.

Chubs' POV:

I was sleeping. Getting my rest from the long day. And then I woke up. I didn't know what woke me up but something did. I jumped out of bed as quietly as possible so I wouldn't wake someone up. But I realized that Liam's and Ruby's bunk bed was empty. And so was Vida's. Zu was still sleeping though so I creeped out, and slowly walked downstairs. And then I realized really just how much I was not prepared. No flashlight, and no way to defend myself. What if the thing that woke me up was a bugler, or a PSF, or a skip tracer? Sure they were banned but there still is something called the black market. But I didn't have time to go back for them.

As I reached the end of the stairs, I saw the familiar outline of Liam laying on our "sofa" but what else I saw was unbelievable. It was Vida and Ruby. And they were all over him. But when I got closer, I just couldn't bear it anymore.

"What the hell..." I said now really confused by the site.

"Cubs help!" Said Vida and just from her voice I could tell they weren't having fun. Something was really wrong. She was shaking, and her breath was cold. Even I could see the fact that she was broken. Broken from something I couldn't and don't know how to rid. It broke my heart. I stepped closer to see what was really going on. Liam was dead. No, wait. He looked dead. As Vida was explaining what happened and Ruby told me he was still alive somewhere, I wasn't paying attention. Just in case he was dead I reminded myself of all the good times, and memories of him. I was gonna lose a friend. But not just any friend. It was like losing a brother. Is this why Liam felt when Cole died?

I was interrupted by a loud thud, on the dark wooden floor. I heard Vida scream, and then there was silence. It was Ruby. And she was on the floor. Limp, and dead looking like Liam. Her eyes had rolled into the back of her head, and then she fell to the ground. I jumped to her side quickly checking her pulse. Behind me, Liam woke up with a gasp looking around checking his surroundings. Luckily Ruby was only on the ground because of exhaustion. She had saved Liam with her mind, but it took all her energy.

Ruby's POV:

Something had shot me from behind. It was another mind. It was like some force slamed into my mind and twisted the knife stabbed there until I had nothing else to do but to faint. I knew Liam would wake up if I fell asleep. I didn't know how but I had saved him. By sacrificing myself.

Sorry people that this chapter wasn't that good......... I will do better in the next one. A lot of things are unexplained but they will all make sense in a few chapters. Do you like the POV changes?

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