Chapter 4

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"Lizack is that you?" the human with a ponytail asked me. I have a memory of this one, it's the most dominant in this brain.

"You're Veronica, right? My wife." I said disapprovingly. What a plain human. Just like this plain vessel before I changed it. No wonder they were married.

It gasped in surprise and ran up to me, engulfing me into a hug that was tighter than what I expected, but I allowed it since it had something I needed.

While it was busy feeling my body, I took the chance to slide off its ponytail holder. I pushed the human away, no longer needing its assistance, then I put my hair up into a high ponytail. My action didn't seem to faze it.

"Lizack, I'm so glad you're okay. What happened?" Tears filled the eyes of this human until it spilled over. The other human with shorter hair walked over to us and patted the other on the back.

"Marty, is it?" This is the human I was meant to scold.

"Yeah, how did you get into a crash? Do you have amnesia? I'll go get the doctor." It said and was about to run out the door before I grabbed it by the arm. I looked it deep in the eyes while keeping my grip on the human. It was looking away under my stare, but I needed to ask it something very important.

"What the hell is amnesia?" I bluntly asked.

Silence filled the room besides the constant sniffles from the brown haired human, Veronica. It's cries only became louder when it heard my question and it hugged me again.

"I think he does, I mean he even questioned our names," it cried into my shoulder.

"I can't say I have this amnesia unless you tell me what it is," I raised my voice at them for ignoring my question. The black haired human, Marty, flinched at my tone.

"It's memory loss, damn," it breathed out like it just finished running.

"Oh, well I don't have memory loss. I'm just learning more about my body and mind."

I was only given a confused look by Marty. It was going to say something, but the doctor walked into the room.

"Why are you out of the bed?! You need to lay back down and rest!" Another long-haired human scolded me.

"Honey, take a good look at me." I opened my arms wide enough so it can look me up and down. With the exception of the human still clinging to me.

"Does it look like I need rest?" I cocked my eyebrow at the doctor.

"Uhh, let me just run a few test a-," I scoffed and made it stop talking mid-sentence.

"I don't enjoy being in this place longer then I have to. Let's leave," I ordered Veronica. Such a plain name.

"Wait! I need to take some more blood from you," the doctor said.

"And the reason for that is?" Do I need to cut open my stomach for these things?

"It's just that your blood was...unusual and we just need more to ma-." I held out my arm for it and it hesitantly took more of my blood. This time it's fully red. This body must be fully healed. My soul will regenerate faster now and I'll be able to get stronger.

"B-but you have to stay, you could have internal bleeding." It let go of me at this point and wiped its eyes. Fluids was dripping out of its nose and the annoying sound it was making when trying to sniff it back up. I'm not doing this.

I pushed them aside and walked out the door. So many humans buzzing around like it's the thing to do. While I was finding an exit, humans kept bumping into me. Last time I was here, people were too scared to even look at me. Then again, they were more knowledgeable of my species then the humans now. However, can't make a fuss in the human world. The lord may find me and I haven't recovered fully yet, and I'm not strong enough to face him even at my best. I'll forgive their actions for the time being.

I finally found the exit and waited for the other two humans to catch up to me who have been following me since I left the room.

"Lizack, are you sure you're okay man?" Marty asked me. These questions are annoying. No matter how many times I answer them, they keep asking.

"I'll strip if you don't believe me." Both of them had shocked expressions on their faces when I said that.

"What happened to you. You're not usually like this." Veronica said.

"Perhaps this body wasn't usually like this, but my soul was born this way honey." I pointed to the locations of the normal cars. "Which one belongs to you, we need to go." This place is full of death and I have no need for something like that.

They both look at each other and I heard Marty whisper, "At least he's not hurt, so let's just go home."

Marty walked over to a vehicle while the other held my hand and walked with me. We made it to the car and Veronica opened the door for me. I gave it a look and it just motioned for me to go in.

"You can ride in front."

"This body almost died in the 'front,'" I reminded it. Its eyes widen in realization and apologized before getting in itself. I took my seat in the second row and closed the door. The car was moving after that.

"Lizack, can you explain for me, please," Marty said.

"Explain what, exactly," I said looking out the window. So many precious humans. My mouth is beginning to drool at the sight of them.

"The car accident and you," it demanded. "How are you not injured? We saw the crash when we were driving here. It was brutal. Your hair is super fucking long, you look bigger...and other things...explain."

"Well, first of all, it's your fault your friend is dead. So, of course this body is going to be different," I whispered the last part.

"What the hell do you mean? You're my friend." I sighed deeply, trying to keep my composure. It just keeps talking. It would be a shame if the car just turned over and it happened to kill this human, but I need to recover more for that. Maybe later.

"By an unfortunate chance, yes, I am your friend," I whispered.

"What was that," it questioned.

"I'll explain when we make it to a place where you or I sleep, which ever."

The conversation ended there and the rest of this drive was silent. While we were driving, we passed by the scene of the accident. The car was being towed now and all I could be reminded about was the breakfast that occupied this brain. I am quite weak right now so maybe I should have some "breakfast" of my own.
We made it back to Veronica's house, my house too now. The handle inside the car was lower than the one outside. It fascinating seeing human invention being this complicated when they themselves are so simple.

When I stepped out the car, I saw all of these rooms separated from each other. Some of them were connected and other connected rooms that were separate from others. Also, there were more cars in different parking slots. This must be apartments. Which also means I live in a tiny bedroom. I scoffed. I deserve better than this child like house.

No matter, I need to feed. Walking behind Veronica, I can see the plainness is evident all over its body. However, as of right now, it's looking quite....ripe.

The door opened and both humans walked in. I shut the door behind me, my mouth dripping with desire. Veronica turned to me and I grabbed it in an instant and carried it to the bedroom. That room is edged into my mind and as soon as I closed the door, all that could be heard was its screams.
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