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It felt like it had gone on forever. His body was no longer under his own control, and was shaking violently where he was seated. The electricity shot through his veins and reached out into every single part of him, and the immense pain was almost numbing. All that he could hear was that static buzzing, as his eyes rolled back into his head...

"Thats enough. Shut it off."

The heavy switch neatly placed on a nearby wall was switched off, and everything just finally stopped. The man sank back down into the chair, slumping together in a heaving and sweating mess. All that he could see was... A blurred darkness. To him, the world had just lost all its colour and become monotone, so he let his tired eyes close. A high pitched tone rang in his ears. It had taken everything out of him, every last inch of energy and will, and he couldn't bring himself to move.

He didn't even get a moment to regather and piece himself together before he was forcefully pulled off the chair and dragged away again. He stumbled, having to bend down to 1/4 of his length to be able to support himself on the nurse - who was now leading him blindly through endless corridors through the mazelike structure that he had come to call his home...

Slowly, his vision started to come back. The ringing in his ears had already died down to nearly nothing. But his entire body ached and hurt, especially around his wrists, throat, and ankles, as those where the parts strapped down to the chair. He must've really pulled at it this time during the session... But he couldn't remember. All he remembered was the soaring pain that just shot through his entire body.

He lifted his head a bit to look where they were, and he was surprised to be met with the large social room of the building instead of the corridor as of which they kept the padded rooms.

The social room was a big hall rather, with a raised ceiling and checkered flooring as opposed to the dull concrete of the hallways. Here and there there were small round tables surrounded by a few chairs, and along the walls there were shelves here and there holding boardgames and other things. At this time there weren't too many patients around, nor that many from the staff of the asylum keeping an eye out for the inhabitants.

The nurse suddenly pushed him off from her, dusting herself off a bit before standing straight and giving him a stern look. The young man stumbled a bit, regaining his balance and - too - trying to stand as straight as he could.

"I'm gonna go get your medication Micke. Meanwhile, I want you to stay here and be nice to the other people here. Understood?"

He slowly nodded, scratching the back of his hand and looking at her nervously. She quickly turned and left the room, leaving him all alone there. Slowly, he looked around the area, taking every single detail in;

Creme coloured walls, no windows exempt just at the top by the ceiling, and painfully cold floor for naked feet...

He walked over to one of the tables, stumbling over half his steps but at least making it there one piece. When he finally got there, he snatched a chair and slumped down heavily onto it. Exhaling deeply, he rested his pounding head in his hands. They felt cold against his forehead.

The constant testing and so called treatment was something he was sadly used to. Electroshock therapy however was new territory for him. It was experimental, and something that the doctor had just said 'screw it' and just decided to put him on. Prior to this time he had only experienced the surging pain of the electricity twice, and before that it was strictly heavy drugs, lobotomy and ice baths. But alas, none of it had worked, so it called for new kinds of treatments.

It wasn't long before the nurse had returned to him. She approached the table and put down a small paper mug of water, grabbed one of his hands and pressed a few pills into his palm. He stared up at her, and then at the pills, and then back at her. She had a look of 'I don't have time for this' on her face, as she motioned for him to grab the mug.

"Take your pills. You know you need them." She said as in an attempt to make him want to. He hesitated, as he didn't like them whatsoever. These pills he had to take twice a day, every day, and so he had for the past years. But he would never get used to the disgusting taste that would linger in his mouth, nor how tipsy they made him. The pills would put him in a sort of drunk or at least weakened state. The thought was that he wouldn't act up or throw one of his now more famous violent fits.

He slowly raised his hand to his face, taking a deep breath before finally throwing the medicine into his mouth and chugging down the water. He had to force himself not to throw them back up immediately afterwards, as he swallowed hard again and again. The lady smiled, gently patting his messy brown hair before taking the small mug and walking off again.

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