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He looked around the room, looking for anything at all that could help him get the thick leather straps off. Melted then pointed at a table right besides him. On it there was various tools, including a scalpel. But how was he ever going to reach that?

Time was limited, and he had to get it quick or find another way.

He reached for it, but he was far from being able to grab it. It was way too far in on the table. So instead he tried to move his arms to get at least one of them loose. The straps sat so tight around him that every move hurt. But he didn't want to stay there, it just wasn't an option. So he kept going.

He wiggled, and every time he did he managed to get one of his arms up a bit more. It felt as if the leather was gonna pull off his skin every time he moved it upwards.

Thats it, keep going...

And with that he had managed to free his arm. His skin had reddened where he had pulled and his joints felt like they were displaced. But he didn't care, he didn't have time for that. He finally could reach the small blade and picked it up. It would have to do.

Quickly he went to work on the straps, being as careful as he could. But he wasn't prepared for when it broke and accidentally plunged the small scalpel into his stomach. He forced himself not to scream in pain.

Shit shit shit, lets just hope it didn't go too deep

He moved it away and sat up. Small droplets of blood was running down from the fresh wound. It didn't seem too deep, and it probably looked way worse than it actually was. He put a hand over it to keep pressure as he started cutting the second strap by his legs. This time he was prepared for the sudden snap and managed to stop the blade before it hit him again.

Okay. This is fine. Completely fine. Need to stop the bleeding for now at least. Bandaids. Need bandaids.

He got up from the bed, putting down the scalpel and looking around the room. Finally he found what he was looking for; bandaids. He put two over the wound, hoping that it would be enough for now.

Then the thing that wasn't allowed to happen happened. The door opened and the doctor took a few steps before stopping, staring at the young naked man in shock. And Micke stared back equally as shocked. But he had to act, and quickly at that. He immediately sprinted over to the door, pushing the doctor away with as much force as he possibly could.

It was now or never. He had to get out.

He ran out into the corridor, frantically looking both ways and trying to find the best way to go. But he didn't get much time to ponder, cause now the alarm was ringing through the entire asylum. A patient had escaped, and he was hostile. Every worker in the building was out to get him now.

He picked a direction and just ran. Ran like he had never ran before. Melted was gone, it was just him now. Only he himself could get him out.

He turned a corner, and found the corridor blocked by guards. They saw him immediately, and pointed to yell "THERE HE IS!". He spun around and ran opposite direction, taking a few turns and then took two flights of stairs up, finding himself up on the fifth floor now. He ran down a few corridors, until diving into another room and slamming and locking the door behind him. He gasped for air, panting and trying to regain his strength just a little. For now, he was safe.

Looking around he realised where he had ended up; locker room where the workers kept their stuff during the time they were there. This room was usually off limits and locked from what he had gathered. Someone must've forgotten to close it this time, which was lucky for him. He walked around a bit.

There were clothes here and there, and he decided to take a set. It wouldn't be smart to flee out into the unknown without clothes. But he couldn't help but feel bad when he had took what he wanted, cause now someone else will be without their clothes. He shook his head to get the thoughts out and focus on what was important right then and there.

He took a pair of underwear, black jeans and a deep blue flannel. On a nearby table, he saw a pair of black bracelets, and he couldn't help but take those too. He didn't really know why he did, but maybe it was to remember that place.

When he was done, he looked himself in a nearby mirror. What he saw was a young man with tired eyes, messy hair and a bit too big clothes. It was a nice change from the white straightjacket and pants, which was far too tight for him to begin with, and then the restraining bands on top of that. He looked like a completely different person.

The door banged, as someone tried to open it. Micke turned and stared wide eyed at the door, panicked that they had already found him. He could hear yelling from the other side, as the person was trying to get the door open, but to no avail. It was well locked.

It was time to get out of there

He looked around. No other exits but the one that was now being brutally attacked by guards. The man walked over to the window, opening it and letting in the cold air. It was windy and dark outside. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen the outdoors. Probably years ago now.

He leaned over the frame and looked down. It was a huge drop, and there was no way that he could climb down. It was at least five stories down to the ground. He swallowed hard, backing away from the drop again. There had to be another way.

He looked over to the door again. It was still being abused from the other side, as the people still were trying to come in.

"You have to do it Micke. They're almost through the door now."

He looked to his side, and there stood the deformed copycat. He had a slight smile on his face, as he tilted his head. Micke just nodded. It was time now. Now or never.

He walked back to the window and climbed up on the edge of it. He held the corners of the walls tightly as he leaned out again to look down. The wind softly hit his face, brushing his hair back a bit. He took a few shaky breaths, before turning so he had his back outwards.

The door finally opened, and guards started streaming into the room like giant ants. But they stopped not too far in, their eyes glued to the young man in the window. They seemed scared to come closer, afraid that he'd jump if they did.

He took a deep breath, and as he let go of the walls the melted man charged and jumped up onto him, disappearing as he fell...

The sky was clear, and he could see billions upon billions of stars above him as be plummeted towards the ground. But before he could hit, everything faded to black...

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