Chapter I

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"You sure are skillful with your hands. You're popular with the girls, aren't you?" Ryuk commented.

Light continued to cut into the seams of his shirt until the hole was big enough to fit a folded piece of paper from his Death Note in. "That has nothing to do with skill. It's more about looks than skill." He paused his work for a moment. "Ryuk, you aren't popular, are you?"

"Huh??" Ryuk tilted his head at Light's rudeness. Even from the beginning, the human had intrigued him with the lack of concern he showed towards the Shinigami, while Light knew Ryuk could easily kill him if he ever got bored. Though as much as it fascinated him, he felt like there was no need to be rude. He was a shy Shinigami, after all, who had feelings.

"Light!" His mother called from the bottom of the stairs, "(Y/N) is here!"

Light noticed Ryuk's eyes widen ever so slightly and he smirked. It hadn't taken him long to figure out how much Ryuk liked (Y/N).

The first time the Shinigami had seen her, he'd gotten extremely quiet and had kept his scrutinizing stare on her until she'd left. He hadn't even bothered to twitch when Light bit into an apple. Ryuk had kept his back turned to him, watching the girl read a magazine on his bed.

She knew nothing about Light being Kira, thus she had no clue Ryuk even existed. And as time flew by, Light knew it started irritating Ryuk more and more. (Y/N) didn't know he laughed at her jokes even when Light didn't, or how he always sat next to her when she visited, or how he had tried to innocently suggest that Light should tell her about the Death Note. Of course, Light had been onto his plan immediately.

"I wonder how long you can keep this secret from her. She is your best friend, after all," Ryuk implied suggestively.

The corners of Light's lips twitched upwards in silent amusement. "Hm, you've told me that many times before. It almost seems as though you have a thing for her, Ryuk."

Ryuk let out a bark of laughter Light recognized to be a fake one. "Hyuk! If a Shinigami were to fall in love with a human, they must be very stupid."

"And why is that, Ryuk?"

"Hm? Oh, nothing." The demonic creature chuckled to himself at Light's unknowingness. He would not give all the answers to the cocky human. It was more interesting this way.

There was a knock on the door, which made Ryuk's head turn. "Come in!" Light called out.

"Hey, Light," (Y/N) greeted as she walked into the room. She immediately got comfortable on his bed, her usual spot. "So, how are you holding up?"

Light's eyebrow twitched for a moment. She couldn't know... Could she? "What do you mean?" He decided to ask.

"The exams, of course! What else would be important enough?" She replied incredulously.

He quietly let go of the breath he'd been holding. "Nothing, you're right. I guess the stress is getting to me," he chuckled, scratching the back of his head.

But she wasn't buying it. Her eyes narrowed, and she moved to a sitting position on his bed. "You're lying."


"You've been hiding something from me for a while now. Don't bother trying to cover it up with some bullshit. I've known you for almost my entire life, I know when you're lying to me. Spill it, Yagami."

"Hyuk! I told you so," Ryuk laughed and adoringly patted the oblivious girl on her head. It was quiet for a moment before the Shinigami realized his mistake. "Oh..."

(Y/N) sat frozen on the bed, her eyes wide like a deer's in headlights. Her shoulders were tense, and she started shaking slightly. "S-Something just touched my head..." She locked her gaze with Light, still too afraid to move.

"Don't be ridiculous, (Y/N). It must have been a breeze. I'll close the window for you." As he tried to walk past her, she grasped his wrist and held him in place.

"Something. Touched. My. Head." She ground out.

This was an interesting turn of events for Ryuk. All this time he had been so careful not to touch her, and in one moment of carelessness he had given in to these... feelings. Even the thought of them made him shiver and he didn't know if they were good or bad. There were just there, and there was nothing he could do about them.

Light slid his hand into the one that still had his in a death grip, which earned a displeased grunt from Ryuk. "You're right, (Y/N). I haven't been completely honest with you." He closed his eyes and sighed. This could go very wrong, but she would have found out sooner or later anyway. She had gained maximum scores throughout the years as well, she was smart. But how would she take it?

"I am Kira."

When she remained quiet but didn't pull her hand away either, he decided to continue. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I just didn't know how you would react, nor did I want to put you in any danger. I just need you to know that I merely want to improve the world. I don't kill innocent people, you've watched the news. Could you just... please say something?"

Even Ryuk held his breath this time.


'Okay'? Is that good or bad? Ergh, humans and their incapability to form proper responses. Interesting.

"...I can't say I support it, Light." The boy squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the final blow. But it never came. "But I'm not against it either."

Light's brows furrowed in confusion as he faced her again. "What do you mean?"

She suddenly stood and walked towards the window. It was already dark outside, and raindrops started to tap against the glass. "Ever since the whole Kira-thing started, I have been in the middle of it all. I understand why you would want to rid of all the bad in the world, but I also understand why it is wrong. I simply... do not have an opinion about it. So, I appreciate you telling me this, but I'll let you know that I won't be helping you, nor will I be stopping you."

Light nodded, and he felt a small part of the weight on his shoulders get lifted.

"Though all of this does not explain what touched my head."

And there you have it. He almost thought he could've gotten away with it, but alas. He shifted towards his desk and pulled out his Death Note from underneath his laptop, and held it out to her.

"What's this?" She took it from him and Ryuk felt like jumping off a cliff.

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