Chapter IV

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"Hm... It seems like a lot of Shinigami are observing the human world lately... What's with that anyway?"

"It turns out that Ryuk is being kept by a human!"

"What's he thinking?! Seriously?"

"He's a disgrace to the pride of the Shinigami."

"No, I'm talking about the human who's keeping Ryuk!"

"Who would want him as a pet? A pet's supposed to be cute!"

They all hollered together as another card was drawn from the stack.

"When you're right, you're right!"

"So, what's the story of this human anyway? Is it a male or a female?"

"Who knows..."

"I heard he'd taken an interest in a female but that he's being kept by a male!"

"Funny to know Ryuk's being kept from getting what he wants, and by a human nonetheless."

"In that case, I better go take a closer look..."

"Oh, boy."

"Light, hurry up, you don't want to be late! Oh, do your best!" His mother called out.

"I know you don't need it, but good luck!" His sister followed with a supportive fist in the air.

"I really don't see why you two are making such a big deal out of it," Light sighed as he closed the front gate after him.

At the front gates of the school, (Y/N) was waiting patiently for her best friend to show up and already looked very prepared for the exams with her 'how to pass an exam' starter kit in her backpack, which included various sorts of vitamins and fruit as well as about five extra pens, just in case the other five ran out of ink all of the sudden. And, of course, the glitter ones.

"You there!" A teacher called out to them right as Light was nearing (Y/N), "The exam will be starting in ten minutes, you better hurry up!"

"I think the teachers might be even more stressed than we are, Light," she smiled.

Light chuckled, "I wouldn't be surprised. They have to do this every year."

Ryuk felt his heart pounding again. Initially, when he still resided in the Shinigami world before his interesting adventure with Light had begun, he had wondered if he actually had a heart. It was a thought that had appeared in his head out of pure boredom and he hadn't considered it much longer than a second back then, and yet in a moment as simple as this, the thought had crossed his mind again and at the same time been confirmed. What is this human doing to me?

"It's fine. I planned to get here three minutes before the test. I hate waiting. I'm here too early." Light commented. The teacher looked quite baffled as the duo passed him. Or well, in their case, trio.

"Well well, confident," Ryuk smirked. The girl winked at him and he felt weird things again.

The room was eerily quiet, the only noise coming from the scribbling of pens, students scratching their heads in confusion and the heavy breathing of the ones who were having something close to a panic attack. The clock ticked onwards, and as Ryuk had expected, Light was already done with his test. Though he stayed in his seat, for he had agreed to wait for his best friend to finish.

Though Ryuk knew she was top of the class, right next to the arrogant boy, he hovered over to see why she was taking so long.

She cursed herself under her breath. She had finished the rest of the test, yet that particular blank spot on her answer sheet got her frustrated. She had never skipped a question, always immediately knowing the answer to something. Yet, she couldn't recall the solution to this one, though she clearly remembered Light going through the subject with her.

She silently wondered if he had used some sort of witchcraft like the Death Note to make her forget. He was very competitive, after all.

"The answer is B," a voice whispered in her ear, making her jump slightly in her seat. Luckily, no one had noticed.

"What?!" She mouthed angrily.

"The answer is B," Ryuk repeated. She looked over her shoulder at him, her brows raised. He shrugged, "I'm a Shinigami, I'm not stupid. I checked Light's answer sheet."

She had a devilish glint in her eye and smirked at him.

Little did she know, someone had been watching her and her friend from the moment they had walked into the room.

A teacher walked past her.

"You there! Student number 162. Sit properly in your chair!" The teacher said, making her turn in her seat to see who was causing the disruption. Apparently, Light had the same idea.

A boy, someone she had never seen before in this school, was sitting very oddly at his table. It was almost as if he were imitating the stance of a frog. His hair was black with a blueish tint to it, and the strands went in every direction. She also noted that he wasn't wearing any shoes, nor the proper school attire. He didn't even spare a glance at the teacher while he silently handed him a folded note and focused his big orbs on her instead. He had a piercing, calculating gaze which made a shiver run down her spine.

She broke the intense staredown and quickly got up to hand her test forms to said teacher. Now that she was at such close proximity to the boy, she noticed he vaguely smelled like a mix of candy and coffee. She spared one more look at him, and his lips quirked up into a small smile at her.

"What was that?" Light questioned, as he caught up with her on the way home.

"What was what?" She asked in return.

"You know what I mean. Why were you eye-fucking that guy?"

She gasped and punched his shoulder, making him laugh. "I was not eye-fucking him, you moron! He just... I don't know, he gave me weird vibes. Something wasn't right about him."

Light hummed as they stopped by her house, "I can agree with you on that. But don't start worrying about it too much, unless he starts stalking you. I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/N)."

She waved at him as he turned to continue his way home, and then quickly grabbed the Shinigami's arm and pulled him back with a strength he hadn't been expecting from her. Forcing him to drop to the ground, she gave him a hug and a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks for saving me from Light's victorious wrath," she whispered in his ear.

Letting go of him, she turned away and strode to her front door with a skip in her step, leaving a flustered God of death behind.

He noticed the arrogant human smirking at him.

"Say anything and I will write you in my Death Note, Light," Ryuk grumbled.

Notes: Anyone interested in me including L in this love drama? I've always been a sucker for love triangles, but if you have different ideas and maybe not include L like that, just let me know!

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