Chapter 11

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Two weeks later

Dinah walks into the house and frowns slightly when she sees Camila holding a crying Normani close.

She had just gotten back from Dylan's house once again.

"What's going on here?" The youngest girl asks, jealousy coating her words.

"Are cheating on her?" Camila asked bluntly.

"No! Why would you think that?" Dinah asks, hurt filling her voice and tears forming in her eyes.

"Because, she's sitting here in tears." Camila snapped.

Closing her eyes, Dinah fights back a sob, turning and slamming her hand against the wall. Of course nobody would ever take her side on anything, not since that time Zendaya kissed her and she didn't pull away.

"I didn't cheat." She breathes out, pain in her voice.

"Then what the hell are you doing with this Dylan girl?! Who the hell is she?!" Camila growled.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" Annie asks worriedly, walking into the living room.

"It's nothing you need to worry about, princess." Camila said softly, she offered Annie a soft smile.

Frowning, Annie gives Camila a weird look before moving over to Dinah. "Mommy? What's wrong?"

Taking a deep breath, Dinah turns around and kneels in front of the four year old. "Nothing pretty girl, why don't you go into the kitchen and color in your new coloring book?" Dinah asks softly, kissing Annie's forehead.

Camila frowned, hurt by Annie's look.

Nodding her head, the little girl leaves the room to go color.

"Nothing is going on between Dylan and I, she's just been going through a rough time since Asher's dad left and I've been helping her." Dinah says calmly, looking at both Normani and Camila.

"Why don't you just keep Annie." Camila mumbled before looking down. "She clearly doesn't want to live with Lauren and I."

Running a hand through her hair, Dinah tries to calm herself down. "Maybe because everytime she turns around you're just leaving her with Mani and I, we're practically raising her for you." She snaps out before looking at Normani. "And if you can't trust me to have friends that are female but I have to trust you around guys then why are we even married?" She asks coldly before making her way into the kitchen.

Camila got up. "I'm leaving." She muttered before running out of the house and getting into her car.

Walking back into the living room with Annie on her hip, Dinah makes her way to the door, only to stop when Normani calls her name.

"What?" The younger girl asks weakly, trying not to break down with Annie in her arms.

"I'm sorry." Normani sobbed. "Please don't leave me."

Closing her eyes, Dinah takes a deep breath before turning and taking Annie upstairs for her nap.

When the little girl is sound asleep, Dinah makes her way downstairs and looks at Normani. "Why did you call her? Why couldn't you just ask me instead of getting her involved."

"She called me. She wanted to know how Annie was doing and I said she could come over and see Annie." Normani said. "But then we started talking and I just couldn't stop myself from letting it all out."

"So what you're saying is you don't trust me at all basically." Dinah responds, pain in her eyes.

"No." Normani said. "I do trust you."

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