Chapter 15

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One month later

Dinah shifts Marianna in her arms the two month old sound asleep. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asks, looking at Normani who was carrying Dawsin.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Normani asked, frowning in confusion.

"Dawsin just got over being sick, the boys are moody, and Marianna is getting a cold." Dinah responds, pointing out that the two month old is getting sick again. "Plus, Lauren is just barely three months pregnant."

"Lauren's fine though." Normani said. "She might be a little moody and hormonal but she's fine."

Biting her lip, the younger girl looks down at a sleeping Marianna. "But you know how Marianna gets when she's sick."

"I don't understand what you're saying." Normani said. "Are you saying we can't go in because Marianna is sick and Lauren's pregnant?"

Nodding her head, Dinah avoids looking at Normani.

"How is that a problem? I don't understand." Normani said

Before Dinah can respond, the front door opens revealing Camila.

Marianna flinches awake at the sudden noise and her bottom lip pouts out, she didn't have much of a crying voice from being sick.

"Um.. hi." Camila said. "I didn't mean to wake her, I was just taking out the trash." She held up the trash bag.

"It wasn't your fault, she's got a bit of a cold and wakes up at the slightest noise." Normani offers softly as she gives Marianna her pacifier.

The baby slowly relaxes and falls back asleep.

"Oh... um... you can go inside. I'll be back in after I dump this in the trash. Lauren's in the kitchen but she's not feeling great so just be careful." Camila explained, letting them in before leaving to dump the trash bag.

Slowly, Normani and Dinah lead their kids inside.

Dawsin releases a soft yawn and tiredly rubs her eyes.

Dinah hesitated before following. She still didn't think this was a good idea.

"DJ, relax." Normani says softly.

"This isn't a good idea." Dinah mumbled.

Sighing, Normani shifts Dawsin in her arms and moves over to Dinah. "Stop being so negative."

Dinah sighed, she ran her fingers through her hair. "Fine."

Marianna stretches in Dinah's arms, her eyes wide open as she wakes up.

The two women made their way into the kitchen where Lauren was.

"Hey, Laur." Normani said softly.

The younger green eyed girl jumped in surprise.

"Hey," Dinah says as she shifts Marianna in her arms, the two month old kicking her feet.

Lauren turned around from watching a cat out of the window. "Hi."

"How are you feeling?" Normani asks, sending Lauren a soft smile.

Lauren simply shrugged, she leaned back against the counter and rested her hand on her small baby bump.

Marianna releases a soft whine, at least they think it was her as the baby once again stretches out in Dinah's arms.

Camila came into the room. "Hi."

"Hey," Dinah and Normani say in unison.

Camila smiled. "Coffee?" She asked, moving over and flicking on the kettle.

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