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I opened the door to a very happy looking Chris and a very smug looking Kate.

"Hi Ricky!" Chris said enthusiasticly.

"Hi Chris, how are things?" I replied.

"Good thanks." He said before being pulled away by Kate. She turned around and glared at me, a look in her eyes like she was only here to cause trouble. Agghh! I can see why Taylor hates this girl.

As soon as Chris led her down to the basement, I followed him down and made sure to look at Taylor to check she was alright. I went and sat next to Taylor and she held onto my arm while Kate stared at her with a disgustued look on her face. Kate finaly sat down over on a chair on the other side of the room and stopped staring at Taylor, I felt her start to relax a little more.

I got up off of the couch and picked up my guitar, everyone else grabbed their instroments and we decided to play our new song reincarnate first.

We also played loads of other songs including burned at both ends, the devine infection and some stuff from creatures and when love met destruction. Taylor was clearly enjoying it, with her even headbanging at our breakdowns!

She is so supportive of the band, I'd love to be able to take her with us on tour one day. I'm absolutly sure she would love to meet the bands and hear us play all the time.

Well, I guess thats food for thought.

Talking of food, Taylor made us some lunch and we are now about halfway through practice and taking a break. She made us some cute little sandwiches cut into heart shapes. I have the best girlfriend ever!

We all put some on our plates and thanked Taylor; laughing as we all took our first bites.

"Noooo! You just took a bite out of my heart." She said sarcasticly, all of us laughed at her childishness.

Apart from Kate.

"Why are you so lame!" Kate snapped at Taylor.

"Why are you such a bitch!" Taylor replied angrily, I could tell she was getting worked up.

"How dare you, are you going to let her speak to me like that Chris?" Kate said, turning to look at Chris.

Taylor flinched and went to get up, obviosly getting very annoyed by Kate's behaviour. Before she could I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to me. She sat right next to me holding my hand tightly for support.

Taylor's POV:

I was about to get up and confront Kate when I felt someone pull my arm back down, I turned around to see Ricky looking at me with sympathetic eyes. I tried to calm myself down but I was still frustraited at how Kate was acting.

"Taylor calm down your being ridiculous! Kates done nothing wrong!" Chris yelled at me.

How could he defend her, all she has been is rude since we first met her and she's been giving me dirty looks all day. No wonder I finally snapped!

Kate started to whisper in Chris's ear and cuddle up really close to him. I heard sniffles coming from Kate's direction but I knew they were fake.

Chris turned to look at me with dissapointment written all over his face. He hugged Taylor and told her I was just "being silly".

I turned around and looked at Ricky for support, a tear rolling down my cheek. He put his arms out for me and held me close to him, while he rocked me back and forth.

I felt myself sink into Ricky's arms and he was holding me upright whispering in my ear that "it was all going to be ok". Somehow I wasn't so sure it was.

I don't know what I would do if he wasn't here, I can barley sit up right now without his support and i'm silently crying into his chest. I'm so confused...

I thought my brother actually cared about me.

AN: I nearly cried when I wrote this but It was worth it, right?

Ohhh! What's going to happen next? I will update as soon as possible so your not waiting to long.

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