Having fun?

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"Hey guys!" yelled Ryan.

"Nice way to ruin the moment!" I muttered

"You've been all over each other all day but seriously save it for the bedroom guys." said Ghost, clearly feeling a little awkward. Ghost and Ryan went to their rooms and the others followed shortly after until just one person was left. Chris.

Nobody said a word and eventually Chris broke the silence...

"Look, you do know I've got to give you one of those don't hurt my sister or I'll hurt you talks, right Ricky?" Chris questioned and I nodded.

"Good because actually I'm happy for you guys. You're good together." said Chris. I told him I would never hurt Taylor and that I loved her. Even she seemed a bit shocked by that, but soon replied with an "I love you" back.

Chris left to his room and it was just me and Taylor again. The way it should be.

Taylor's POV:

It was just us alone again. I thought about everything that had just happened. He KISSED me! me, me! Yes, I am still shocked and super happy about that. It felt as if it was meant to be and not only that, but he also said he loved me! Ahhh! The thing is, I love him too. More than he knows.

Only one question was left...

"What does that make us?" I asked out load before quickly covering my hand over my mouth realizing what I had said. I quickly tried to run into my room before I was stopped by a delicate hand pulling me back by my arms. Ricky held my hands and looked me deep in the eyes and spoke up.

"Taylor?" Ricky asked questioningly.

"Yes." I replied

"Will you be my girlfriend?" asked Ricky nervously.

I was happy and shocked and just wanted to throw myself at him and tell him how much I loved him. Well I say wanted to... That's what I actually did. I jumped into his arms and he spun me around. I kept saying yes the whole time I was in the air. After a while he slowly put me down and pecked me on the lips.

"Is that a yes?" asked Ricky sarcastically. I just blushed and nodded a yes. I was really tired from everything that happened today and before I knew it I was yawning.

"Somebody's tired," said Ricky while laughing. I nodded and he picked me up bridal style and took me into his room. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put me down on the bed. I snuggled into the covers and felt the other side of the bed dip slightly.

I turned around to look at Ricky and he did the same.

"So did you enjoy today?" I asked Ricky

"Of course, I got to spend it with my favourite girl in the world." said Ricky clasping my hand.

"You?" asked Ricky

"Yep, because you asked me to be your girlfriend and I love being her." I whispered. Ricky held my hand tightly and looked me in the eyes.

"I will always be here whenever you need me and I will never leave you. I promise." said Ricky

"I know, it's just... I need you. I hate being left behind like I always was with Chris." I said

Ricky just nodded and pulled me closer to him. He kissed my head and I started to fall asleep in his arms.

"Night Taylor" said Ricky

"Night Ricky. I love you." I replied, my eyes fluttered and just before I drifted into my sleep he said the same back to me. I smiled as I fell asleep.

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