The Watchers Eye

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Ricky's POV:

"Kate!" I yelled, getting angry at her for putting me in this position.

"yes?" She replied smartly.

"What are you doing? Why do you want me here?" I asked, still shocked.

"Ohh, I don't know about you Mr. Olson but I'm planning a little scheme." Kate said sarcasticly, I felt a fire rising within me.

"What would that be?" I asked, playing along so I could get more out of her.

"There's this girl." She said, sounding discusted by the mension of her.

"What's her name?" I asked, I had a bad feeling about what her answer was going to be already.

"I think you know but if I must confirm It, It's Taylor!" She spat at me angrily.

"You can't, what are you going to do to her? I won't let you hurt her, you can't!" I yelled, scared for Taylor's saftey.

"I'm going to bring her here to see you, that's all. You haven't seen her in a while." She said, faking her concern.

"I don't know what you're planning but I'm telling you now, I would give up my life to save that girl." I said truthfully.

"I know." Was all Kate said before locking me In the dark room.

I sat on the bed and put my head In my hands.

"I love you Taylor." I whispered to myself before falling asleep from exhaustion.

Taylor's POV:

Right now I was sitting on Josh's lap trying to rest. He told me it was going to be alright and I was so tired but I just couldn't sleep, I knew why but I tried to push the thoughts to the back of my mind.

Chris was still talking to the police and aparently there was now a search going on around the venue and surrounding areas. I am hoping that the search will help us find Ricky.

I was scared to death, that whoever took Ricky was also going to take the others away from me and then I would have nothing left. Nothing.

I needed to take a breather and just get away from all this, so I got up from Josh's lap and went to sit in the tour bus.

I went straight to the back and got in Ricky's bunk. I got out my headphones and started listening to Deathstars, It all made me think of him. I closed my eyes and tried not to cry but the tears soon fell.

I snuggled closer into his covers and held his pillow close to me. It was like he was here but not, like someone somewhere was playing a horrible game with my mind.

I felt like someone was watching me, I couldn't quite put my finger on it but the bus didn't feel right. It must just be my imagination.

I covered myself with the sheets and started to drift off to sleep, when I felt a hand clasp over my mouth. My eyes shot open and I tried to scream but their grip was to tight.

I struggled but it was no use and after about 5 minutes I was finding it hard to breath. Within seconds of being put in the van, someone tied my hands behind my back and put a blindfold over my eyes. I was terrified but I tried to stay calm. Getting angry probably wasn't going to help my situation, so I stayed quiet.

After a good 20 minute drive of fear, the van stopped and someone opened the doors to the back of it.

They ripped the blindfold off my eyes and I didn't recognize the man who was standing before me.

I started to ask questions...

"Were am I and who are you?" I asked, shaking from fear and the cold, night air.

"I can't tell you were you are and you don't know me. Wait and see." He said clearly annoyed with me already.

He pulled me by my arms into an good sized abandoned house. Which looked like it had at least two floors but it was in pretty rough shape.

He pulled me up the stairs and I didn't know what I would find up their, so scared and tired me followed his orders.

AN: Thanks again, I love how much you guys have been supporting me all the way through this story.

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