Cry Baby

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Demi's POV

"What's wrong, babe?" Kehlani asked me with concern. She wiped tears off of my cheek. I tried to smile a little, but couldn't hold back.

"It's just Lauren. I spoke to her. I feel so guilty about cheating on her." I held my head down. I appreciated that Kehlani cared about me, but wanted to be alone in my dressing room.

"She found out?"

"No, but she just loves me so much. I know it would hurt her, but I didn't care. I was selfish while she's lost without me."

"Babe, don't think of it like that. I was bad too. I shouldn't have fucked you."

"Well, it's too late now. I guess I'll have to tell her."

"If you apologize I'm sure she'll forgive you. She loves you."

"I know, but I don't know what to do anymore. I'm falling for you, but I'm still in love with Lauren too."

"Really babe?" Lani's ears perked up and she smiled a little.

"Yeah, I really am attracted to you. You know I couldn't resist you."

"I couldn't resist you either. I mean look at you."

"Stop" I rolled my eyes. My girlfriend praised me enough. Soon I would have a meet and greet with my loving fans, Lovatics.

*after the concert*

I didn't want to see Kehlani after the concert. I just wanted to be alone. I could work out this complicated relationship by myself. Songwriting helps and I always write at night anyways. I rushed to my hotel room and just laid down on my bed. Taking it all in, my life has been crazy. I am almost six years sober at just 25 years old. It seemed like just yesterday I was on Barney and Disney. I was suicidal, I had eating disorder. Now I have tons of fans that love me and say I helped them not commit suicide. I'm so grateful for everything.

After nearly falling asleep, I slowly got up to grab my songwriting notebook. I penned a few songs and went to sleep. The next day, I woke up thinking of Lauren. I missed her so much and needed her. I FaceTimed her.

"Hey doll!" I exclaimed waving at her.

"Hey babe what's up?"

"I was just missing you."

"Aw i miss you so much."

"You're still in bed?"

"Yeah, I overslept so now I gotta get up and feed Batman. You hear him?"

"No babe but show me him and Ella. I miss them both."

"Ok,wait a minute."

"Aww hi babies! Mommy misses you!" I said to my puppies, looking cute as ever.

"We miss wou too" Lauren said in her fake puppy voice. She lifted their paws as she said it.

"I'll see you fairly soon, I guess. I mean I'm anxious. It's been hard to not see you all this time, doll."

"It sucks without you. I'm lifeless."

"Well, are you at least fingering yourself or using anything from our sex drawer?" I asked.

"I did at first. I stopped since you're not getting any either." But I was. Damn. I feel bad.

"Sometimes I use my vibrator, you shouldn't stop playing with yourself because of me."

"Alright babe I guess I will."

"No, I'm instructing you to."

"With what toy?"

"The one from me." I winked.

"Got it. I'll use it later." Lauren smiled, she was super horny like me. "Anything else you want me to do?"

"Kiss me through the phone." I puckered my lips.

"Alright babe." Lauren blew me kisses with her gorgeous thick lips. They were like pillows, so big and soft.

"Love you!"I exclaimed, blowing kisses back.

"Love you more!" We hung up. It was like a boost of energy and happiness seeing Lauren, but I feel bad that she wasn't even masturbating because of me. Little did she know I had a lot of sex. 

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