All That Matters

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Demi's POV

Yesterday I had my abortion and I don't regret it. I felt a little queasy and guilty in my sub-conscience though. My mom called a few days ago and I can't help but worry that she could find out. My Christian Texan family wouldn't have supported my decision especially, because I'm denying myself a child and denying my mom a grandchild. They would see it as me playing God. I have to live my life for me. I took my depression medication and listened to music until the voices in my head would quiet down.

Lauren walked into our living room as I started to clear my head.

"What are you thinking?" She sat on the sofa next to me.

"Um, my decision and my family. I know they wouldn't have wanted me to."

"Don't think of that, babe. It's your right. You did nothing wrong." My gorgeous girlfriend kissed my forehead and hugged me.

"Thanks, Laur. I want to just live my life for me."

"With me" her mouth formed into a lame but cute grin.

"Yes, love." I couldn't help but smile and kiss her. Lauren and Kehlani are all I need for now. Not a baby. Not my family's opinions. Not my ex boyfriend.

We watched Harry Potter movies as we snuggled on the couch. I fell asleep in her arms and woke up on her chest.

"Are you hungry, Demi?" She asked as I rubbed my newly open eyes.


"Then I'm cooking." She got up as I leaned aside gently and began making me dinner.

"Have you heard from Kehlani?" I asked.

"Not since the other day she was here."

"Then I'll text her." I got on my iPhone.

Demi: Hey bae come over?

Kehlani: Sorry I can't :(

Demi: why not?

Kehlani: family bbq

Demi: ok have fun

Kehlani: thanks ❤️

"Kehlani's with family." I announced.

"Oh, bummer." Lauren seemed uninterested.

"Yeah, I want to reciprocate. You got me feeling like myself again." I winked at my girlfriend.

"When aren't you horny?" She smiled at me from across the kitchen.

"That's true. I'm insatiable."

"Then I guess I'm tonight's dessert, huh?"

"Yes, definitely."

We ate dinner and couldn't wait to rip each other's clothes off afterwards. I chased Lauren upstairs and we made love so passionately. 

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