I Don't Wanna Leave

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Kehlani's POV

"Babe, you are a trip!" I told my girlfriend, Demi. "Talking about your vibrator and shit."

"That's our Demetria" Lauren said patting Demi on the back. Our private jet would be here any minute to take us back to California in the meantime since the NJ concert was snowed out and delayed. I couldn't wait to be back in my bed and experience Demi's too. I also looked forward to hanging out with my best friends.

As we boarded the plane, Demi's and Lauren's hands were interlocked. I was pretty sleepy anyways so I let them go to the back room of the plane and I fell asleep in a window seat with the shade pulled down. When I woke up two hours later, the pilot was freaking out.

"There's so much turbulence! Put your life vests on, girls!" He screamed from the cockpit.

"Damn, should we just stop flying now?" Demi was shook and didn't like not knowing. Lauren was pissed also, but more composed in true Lauren form.

The pilot quieted down after our plane made a sharp turn fifteen minutes later. I could barely walk on the shaky plane, but really had to pee.

"Good news, Ladies: we are out of there! It should be smooth sailing from now on."

We all breathed a sigh of relief and took off the stupid puffy yellow vests. I went to the bathroom again and realized I got my period. I didn't pack any pads or tampons, because I never imagined I'd be up in the air when I got it.

"Do you have a pad?" I asked my girlfriends. Demi was knitting a purple scarf at this point while Lauren played Sudoku. I feel like I fast forwarded into dating a middle aged, married lesbian couple from the Midwest.

"I do" Lauren looked up and fished around her bag for an Always pad.

"Thanks" I quickly put it on, but when I got back they were talking.

"I mean I usually get my period a couple days before Kehlani, but I haven't even spotted." Demi commented. She bit her bottom lip. Although it was out of anxiety, I found it sexy as hell.

"I'm late all the time, it's no big deal, babe." Lauren reassured her, she always felt like the older, wiser friend in our relationship.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Demi went back to knitting, but then her eyes bugged out and she looked up. "Wilmer! What if that son of a bitch got me knocked me up?"

Lauren's face fell completely and I was left speechless, which isn't common for me. I mean it probably could be possible for her to be pregnant with Wilmer's baby.

"Then, we'll raise it as a family. This baby will be blessed with three mothers." I smiled, because I would have liked to know my mother. I didn't know my father either. My aunt raised me and she did an amazing job. If by any chance, Demi is pregnant, this baby will have so many resources and such love that I didn't have growing up. I still turned out okay, so I'm surprisingly not worried.

"She's right, Dem. You know we always wanted to have kids."

"Yeah, we, not my ex and I. It's gross." Demi flailed her hands and her knitting needles dramatically rattled to the plane's carpet.

"Well, you can always get an abortion." Lauren reasoned with her. I began to feel like I was the only one that wanted this creature that may or may not exist yet.

"Let's stop! You have to take a pregnancy test when we land, before we worry about this." I couldn't hear anymore. I got my hopes up that I could become a mother with the love of my life. Then I thought about all the things I want to achieve in my career. Maybe a baby will just be an obstacle standing in the way of my bigger dreams. 

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