Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Taylor's POV

The windy afternoon air of London hit my face as I walk around and hoping I can find a job.

It's been years since I been in the outside and walk with my headphones on for hours. 

I'm really not kind of girl that go shopping, drinking, partying or socializing like other girls does on my age. I'm just a kind of girl-at-home girl that sits in my bedroom, and probably reading a John Green books with a hot chocolate milk on my nightstand. I just usually went outside when Avril and I are hanging out somewhere or meeting her friends. And that was before she's alive.

I was currently listening Cold Coffee by Ed Sheeran as I stroll around the city.

I stopped at the small cafe at the corner of the street and read a white paper that glued at the transparent window.

 It read:

please inquire inside.

This is really a good timing for me.

I slowly push the glass door, and I was welcomed by the bell of the cafe.

The aroma of brewed coffees really smells like heaven. It always bring me into cloud 9 whenever I smelled them.

There's a few people in the cafe because it's Wednesday today so probably people are usually going to their work, school or whatever it is.

I went to the cashier and greeted by a purpled haired girl, smiling widely at me.

"Hi, welcome to Blend Cafè. What would be your order?" the cashier asked in monotone voice.

"I'm sorry im not going to order but I saw a wa---"

"Oh my gosh you are just in time. We're looking for a waitress like you. Sr. Justin there's someone applying here." she half exclaimed as she called a brown haired guy with his proper uniform. He must be the manager.

"Oh hey Miss, please come in to my office." he said as he gestured me to the, i think his office.

I let in first and then he follwed me and close the door. He sat on his table and I sat across to him.

"Hello, so i'm Justin Timberlake. Uhmm.... are you  experienced from being a waitress?"


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