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Shinji could barely believe what he was seeing, what he was doing. Kowaru, an angel, the last angel, unit 02, terminal dogma, Adam, all of it. It was too much for shinji. He couldn't fathom what he was seeing, thinking, his own mind was beginning to collapse in on itself. And yet, in Eva, he felt safe, comfortable, at home. Or at least he had, now he didn't know. He watched as the massive purple digits constricted around the young white haired figure in their grasp, watched the dark crimson run down its fingers. No! He cried out in his mind, but he couldn't bring himself to stop, he was the enemy, the last angel. The last threat to humanity. The victory seemed to hollow. Rei injured, asuka broken, ritsuko destroyed, misato all but lost, and himself, nothing left inside. He had lost his mother, father, and now his friend.
Shinji, it has to be this way kowaru's voice said inside shinji's subconscious.
But why, why does it have to be this way, I don't understand. Shinji shouted in his head.
You don't have to understand why it is, you just must accept that it is. Kowaru said.
But why. Shinji said as he looked into the lifeless eyes of the boy in the grips of Eva.
There is no why, only what is. That is what the truth is, there is no truth, only what you experience and what others experience because of you. Kowaru said. A shimmering manifestation of the boy appeared in the entry plug and approached shinji
And I truly love you shinji ikari. Kowaru said hugging the boy. Know no shame.
But what do I do now. Shinji said as tears ran down his face.
Pass it on kowaru said. An image of asuka in her hospital bed suddenly flashed through his mind
Asuka. Shinji said. Kowaru disappeared.

"Commander Ikari." Ibuki said. "The angel is gone, he didn't breach terminal dogma."
"Good." Gendo Ikari said. It was over. They had won. Such a hollow victory for what it had cost him. His wife, his son, his friends, his daughter. Yet is daughter still lived. Rei still lived. His son still lived as well. He stood up and left the command center. He knew the committee needed to know about this, but the committee didn't trust him. Keel had his own agenda, and ikari suspected he knew what it was. He entered his office, and immediately activated the privacy mode. Keel. He may have been ikari's boss, but he had no idea the true powers Eva held. He had made a promise to Yui that he would safeguard that power. And he would

Shinji returned Eva to the cage and immediately ran towards the infirmary. The medic at the desk pointed him towards asuka. He entered the room. She was awake. She looked over at him. Shinji felt his eyes tear up. There had always been something about asuka that he found comforting. Even in the crazy world they existed in, she remained the most normal of them. She was also drop dead gorgeous. Shinji was relieved to see her eyes open and full of life. He ran over to her bedside.
"Asuka" shinji said. "My god you don't know how good it is to see you alive."
"Shinji." She squeaked. She sounded so vulnerable, so small, so defeated.
"Its over asuka, the last angel is gone, we won." Shinji said taking her hand
"Over." She said, her eyes tearing up.
"We did it asuka, we beat them." Shinji said.
"Shinji, I'm sorry." She said, so quiet he almost didn't hear her. "I couldn't help you."
"No, don't worry, we'll get you home soon, I promise." Shinji said and held her hand until she drifted back to sleep.

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