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"Are you sure it's a good idea to re activate Unit 03." Misato asked. 
"It is." Gendo Ikari said.  "We need to know how the Angels contaminated it."
"But with the 17th angel destroyed..." misato said.
"It is precisely because the 17th angel has been destroyed that we must reactivate unit 03." Gendo Ikari said.
"But why?" Misato asked
"I am about to deny the committee their end game, and I want to be sure I have the ability to back it up." Gendo said.
"A little cryptic don't you think." Misato said
"Re activate unit 03 captain, and retrieve the fourth child." Gendo said.
"What about Shinji."  Misato said.
"I will deal with him." Gendo said.

It had become a habit now, Shinji and Asuka sleeping in the same bed.  Shinji made sure the red head was kept safe.  That night, Asuka felt especially unnerved.  She didn't know why, but something was making her uneasy.  She fought her way into a fitful sleep. She hadn't been asleep long before shinji's phone went off.  It was a message from his dad, telling him to meet him in the Eva cage.  Shinji crept out of bed.  He looked at asuka's face.  She seemed so peaceful.  He kissed her on the forehead
"I'll be right back." Shinji said before he left.  Little did he know Asuka was nowhere near peaceful

Shinji arrived at the cage, where Eva unit 01 was being kept. 
"Hey dad." Shinji treated the elder Ikari. 
"Shinji, I have something to ask of you, and it probably won't be easy to hear." Gendo said. 
"What's up." Shinji said. 
"I have authorized the reactivation of Unit 03." Gendo said.
"What."  Shinji said.
"Yes." Gendo replied
"I thought there was nothing left of Unit 03." Shinji said
"Incorrect." Gendo said.
"Well, what does this have to do with me." Shinji said, then he realized.  "Oh no."
"We need him Shinji" Gendo said.
"No you can't possibly be asking me to..." shinji said
"Shinji listen to me." Gendo said.  "I am about to enter the end game here, I am going to ensure that the future is ours to do with what we will."
"What are you talking about." Shinji said.
"SEELE, the company in charge of NERV, intends to use Eva to initiate third impact." Gendo said.  "But I am not going to give them unit 01, so we will need to be ready for war."
"But he..." shinji said
"Is the fourth child." Gendo said.  "We need him."
"Alright fine." Shinji said. "I'll call him."

Asuka tossed and turned in the bed, her dreams were constantly haunting her, Arael in her head, her parents, her real mother, and what the people at the hospital had told her. It was too much. She shot awake, and in a split second was bolt upright in a cold sweat. She reached blindly for his hand, but shinji was gone. No no no no. She thought. I'm alone again.
"You aren't my daughter." She heard, she looked around the room, but saw no one. "No no no no no no." Asuka said holding her head in her hands. "Get a grip Asuka."
"You are the spawn of a monster." "Calm down Asuka. There's no one there." She said to herself
"I never wanted you." Tears came to her eyes. She closed them tight and tried to block the voice of her mother out.
"I should have killed you when I had the chance.' "No mother." She squeaked out. "Please don't kill me, I'll be good." Asuka broke down there, her panic attack spiraling into a mess of sobs and tears. She reached out for her drawer and opened it. She pulled out the blade in it. She slid the blade across her forearm, and it made her feel a little better.

"Hey its me." Shinji said
"Oh hey man, how are things." Toji said on the other end of the phone
"To be honest, not great." Shinji said.
"What happened." Toji asked. Shinji told him everything about kowaru, rei, and Asuka
"My god, is she ok." Toji asked
"I honestly don't know." Shinji said.
"Well, I guess on the bright side you and your father have come to some kind of understanding." Toji said.
"Yeah about that." Shinji said. "Look I hate to do this, but he asked me to do this."
"Uh ok." Toji said
"We are reactivating unit 03 and he wants you to pilot it, now I understand if you don't want to, but we are going to end up going up against someone who wants to initiate third impact and we need all the firepower we can muster and your the fourth child and..."
"I'll pilot it." Toji said
"Really." Shinji said
"Sure, after all the times you saved our ass, it's the least I can do, though do you mind if I bring kensuke and hikari and my sister Sakura to NERV." Toji said
"Uh, yeah, misato can get you all ID cards." Shinji said
"Great." Toji said. "I'll see you soon, and we are all praying for Asuka."
"Thanks Toji, that means more than you realize." Shinji said.
"She'll be okay, she is strong. Bye." Toni said
"Yeah, bye."

Asuka held the knife in her right hand, her left arm was a mangled mess of cuts and scars. She had etched out the word monster on her left forearm. She was a monster. Not only that, she wasn't even useful to NERV anymore. She couldn't pilot unit 02, she was just a burden to everyone around her, she could barely even walk on her own without crutches. The voices in her head, of her mother, her foster parents, and her own were all now shouting the same thing
"Do it." They said. "Do it, unless your scared."
"I'm not scared." Asuka sobbed and put the blade to her wrist. She tried to move, to end it right there, but her arm couldn't move. She looked behind her and saw Shinji holding her arm back. Asuka was so happy to see him. The voices retreated from her head. Her grip loosened on the knife and it fell to the bed. She melted into shinji's arms and for the first time in a long time felt truely safe.

Shinji held the broken girl in his arms for hours. He treated her wounds. She sobbed and cried until she could do nothing but gasp for breath
"It's okay Asuka, I am here, everything will be ok." Shinji said
"I was scared." She said. "I was scared."
"I know." Shinji said stroking her hair. "But they are gone now, the demons are gone."
"They told me to..." Asuka couldn't say it. "I was terrified." She said as he wiped the tears from her eyes.
"I know what they told you." Shinji said, "they tell me the same thing."
"What kind of mess am I Shinji?" Asuka asked
"The same as me." Shinji said. "I love you Asuka." He said almost to softly to here.
"I love you to." She said. This caught Shinji by surprise. He continued to cradle the red head until she fell asleep in his arms.

Misato knew she shouldn't have been eavesdropping, but she heard the commotion and went to check on asuka, but when she did, shinji was already there. However, she saw the blood soaked sheets, the red stained nightgown and the broken Asuka Langley soryu. Now it all made sense, the psych examination, the secrecy. Misato sat in her bedroom and tried to wrap her head around the fact that one of her children, one of the people in her care, could do this to herself, she couldn't believe it, wouldn't believe it. But she had to, because she saw it with her own two eyes. A tear ran down her cheeks.

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