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"I'm gonna smell like IHOP," 

"You know what? I will hide everything you own in a very high spot," -Pervy Sage

"Wow, what a threat,"

"Math can go die in a ditch," -Pervy Sage

"My brain's like 'hey, guess what *middle finger*'," -Pervy Sage

"Go cat, give that woman your herpa-syphil-aids," -Pervy Sage

"*Pac-Man noises*" -Pervy Sage

"For someone my age, that's one of the highest scores," -Pervy Sage

"That's the only time you can score,"

"I'm surprised people haven't paid you for your b.s. fortune telling," -Pervy Sage

"Well, most of my predictions are correct, so *bleep* you,"

"It looks like you fingered Smurfette," -To my mom when she stuck her hand in a cupcake with blue icing

"It's a phone tower," -MegaWeebNerd

"*headbanging to the Attack On Titan opening*" -MegaWeebNerd

"*to the rhythm of the AOT opening while headbanging* Nananananananananana Hitler did nothing wrong," -MegaWeebNerd

"Straws are to suck, not blow," -MegaWeebNerd

"Maybe because you're blowwwww *hrm* excuse me," -MegaWeebNerd

"Corrin makes me feel better,"

"I feel better about being called abusive. I finally defeat Sonic the Hedgehog and it makes me happy,"

"His name is Corn,"

"I accidentally said the f word in front of my mom,"

"Keith, what do you call that?"

"Breaking my ankles," -Blue

"I spread positivity like wildflowers, or my legs," -Blue

"Not if you cut off one or both of your thumbs,"

"I'm so tired I started talking about cutting thumbs off in Spanish,"

"I can teach you how to swear in French,"

"I know how to threaten someone in Chinese,"

"*puts Quizizz name as 'CuzImZachMcGlone'*"

"Because I am THE Zach McGlone,"

"I got fifth because I'M ZACH MCGLONE,"

"This is the weirdest class I have all day," -Mrs. Brundage

Weird Quotes From Me and My FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now