A Visit

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I just wanna take a minute and thank you all for your wonderful comments and feedback on this fic so far :') It's definitely not my best writing but I'm having fun with such a light plot since I'm usually writing really angsty stuff (some of which is coming your way soonishly, heh) and so far it's been really well received and I'm super happy about that. I appreciate all of you!!

And ack, 4K reads already?! That means so much to me ToT ♥♥



"By the way, your father and I will be coming to visit this Saturday sometime in the afternoon."


"I love you and we'll see you then. Bye, Katsuki!"

The line went dead before Bakugou could get another word in, and it took every last ounce of self control he had not to yank the phone away from his face and smash the 'call back' button because he damn well knew that bitch wasn't going to answer if he called again, and he'd sure as fuck get an earful if he bugged her about it.

No wonder she fucking called, he thought bitterly. She doesn't call unless she's gonna drop some shitty bomb on me like that.

Usually his mom stuck to text message to check up on him because of her busy schedule, and he knew she kept tabs on him through that asshat Aizawa because of course she didn't trust him to tell the truth—or at least not the whole truth. And she was right not to, because he was notorious for keeping shit from her, like the fact that he'd been reassigned dorm rooms (which she knew through that damn principal, of course) and now that he was actually friends with the bright ball of fucking sunshine he shared a room with (which she incidentally didn't know through Aizawa, at least not yet).

So he was more than a little suspicious when his phone lit up with an incoming call and he'd let it ring for a minute before hesitantly tapping the green answer icon. At first it seemed like any normal check up, but Bakugou knew better and remained skeptical for the entire conversation (in which he'd been half-assing all of his answers to her shitty bombardment of questions), and rightfully so, seeing as she'd dropped that bomb on him without any damn warning.

As a result, the blonde found himself in a bitter mood for the remainder of the week in anticipation of seeing his parents. It wasn't that he had a bad relationship with them or was adamantly against seeing them, but wasn't part of the point of this whole shitty boarding school situation for him to gain some damn independence and act right on his own without them checking up? Plus there was not a single damn doubt in his mind they wouldn't find some ridiculous way to embarrass him. They were his parents for fuck's sake.

His grumpier-than-usual attitude had everyone who already avoided him avoiding him more, and those who didn't usually had started to. It got to the point that as soon as he'd showed up for lunch (late, as usual), Deku and his stupid group of nerds had gotten up the second they saw him coming and made a bullshit excuse to leave, and he knew better than to think their excuse wasn't just that and that they really had somewhere to be.

So he'd ended up with Dumb Hair and his group of nerds—who he, admittedly, was starting to like better than Half-and-Half, Pink Cheeks, and Frog Girl anyway. Those losers welcomed him with open arms, of course, but were quick to pick up on his bitterness. But while he knew he wouldn't (and hadn't made an effort to) tone down such an attitude around Deku, he found himself trying to suppress it while with Kirishima's idiots like he actually fucking cared what they thought.

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