Happy New Year, fucker

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:') sorry for fooling so many of you with the last chapter title. i'm so mean, lmao. but i can promise that when things do start to happen, the title won't have the word 'confession' in it~



No matter how much Kirishima was looking forward to getting back to school, there was always something so relieving about seeing his mom again. Almost the entire campus was cleared of people by the time her car pulled up to the curb where Kirishima had been waiting alone since Bakugou's mom had come for him nearly an hour earlier. She wasted no time in getting out and pulling him into her arms, somehow always managing to make him feel so small and loved despite his having a good six inches on her at least. He was always reminded that talking on the phone with her on a weekly (or almost-weekly) basis had absolutely nothing on being in her presence.

Naturally, the two hour drive back home was filled with his recounting of the semester for her, beginning always with his test grades.

"I haven't gotten all of my results back yet. I dunno how I did in math, but I definitely passed art, history, language arts, and government," he told her. And, as usual, she told him she was proud of him.

She asked about his friends, and he told her they were doing well. Kami and Jirou were still going strong. Sero was only now finding ways to combat his urge to gossip so much (he'd gone to a counselor about it a couple months back when they called him in about it). Mina was still excelling at her dancing, as usual.

"And how are things with that roomate of yours?" she asked somewhere down the road, and that's when he remembered he hadn't told her much about Bakugou since giving her the news that he'd finally been assigned a roommate back in September.

"Good," he said, not even bothering to fight the inevitable smile because he damn well knew it would be fruitless.

"Just good?" she asked, giving him one of those classic mom looks out of the corner of her eye.

"Yeah. Really good, actually. We're really good friends, and he's friends with everybody else, too... 'cept I still don't think he's quite ready to admit that just yet," Kirishima explained with a quiet laugh.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothin' bad," he assured her. "'S kinda hard to explain."

"'It's,' Eijirou. And why? Is he difficult to make friends with?"

"Sorry. And yeah, kinda..." Kirishima pretended to have to yawn to buy himself a minute to figure out how to describe Bakugou to his mom in a way that wouldn't make her totally hate him. Fortunately, she was one of the most open-minded people he'd ever known. "Honestly, he can be pretty abrasive, and sometimes he's got quite the temper, but he does warm up quite a bit once you get to know him... well, in his own kind of way."

Kirishima felt his mother's smile more than he saw it. "Sounds like you've developed quite a fondness for him. Remind me of his name?"

"Bakugou," he said. "Um, Bakugou Katsuki."

"Right," she said, nodding as she recalled their conversation from all those months ago. "It's good to know you've made a new friend, Eijirou. You'll have to introduce me when you go back for next semester."

Nervous butterflies instantly filled Kirishima's stomach, but he nodded anyway. "Sure, Ma."

As close as Kirishima was to his mother, and as much as he trusted her, even he couldn't bring himself to open up about his feelings for Bakugou to her. He'd never gotten to this point in any of his past crushes; he was too chicken to even bring it up with her and it felt like opening a can of worms he wasn't even remotely ready for yet. So for the remainder of the break, he knew he would keep his mouth shut about it.

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