Winding Down

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guuuyyyysssss this is being published on Kiri's birthday TvT it's such a good day. i wrote a krbk thing for it if ya wanna read it, it's called '16 Reasons ILY.' :3

also, sorry if y'all didn't get notified or couldn't see this chapter yesterday. i dunno what happened, but if you're reading this, obviously you can see it now :D enjoy~



Graduation and final exams seemed to speed up on them at lightning speed after the dance. Kirishima had been so busy and distracted that he'd put off applying for colleges and working on funding his higher education that he was scrambling to meet deadlines and, even then, found he'd missed a lot of them already.

"It's fine," he told Bakugou as they were stretched out on his bed with a laptop, looking at yet another screen that told him the school was no longer accepting applications. "I was thinking of doing more of a community school to get started, anyway."

"That shit's cheaper, anyway," Bakugou told him.

Bakugou, of course, wasn't looking into college. "I'm barely making it through this shit," he muttered, making a broad gesture to encompass the school as a whole. "I gotta find a stupid job, though, 'cause my mom's making me pay for the insurance on my bike when I get it."

"Ah man," Kirishima huffed, rolling over onto his back after shutting the laptop. "We're not even out of high school yet and adulting already sucks ass."

"You're fuckin' telling me..." Bakugou muttered, doing the same. "I don't even know where the fuck to start looking."

"Mm..." Kirishima hummed in thought. "...maybe ask Sero if you could work for his family's business? I guess they get pretty swamped during the summer and need some extra help."

The only answer Kirishima was met with was a groan as Bakugou's arms were flung over his face. In the end, Kirishima reassured him that he wouldn't have to worry about it too much too soon; they still had a few weeks left.

Of course, those few weeks were used to study for finals more than anything, and not a day went by where Bakugou didn't complain about it. Kirishima just kept reminding him that they were almost done and then he'd never have to do any of this ever again. It seemed to motivate him enough to get what he needed done, at the very least. While Kirishima was aiming for at least A's and B's, Bakugou was never known to be an overachiever.

"As long as I pass, I don't give a fuck," he'd said.

As per usual for finals week, the group did something more along the lines of study sessions than actually hanging out together. They helped each other out where they were each capable and then took their breaks for food, stretching, and bathroom breaks together. For the most part it was quiet, just as it was when Bakugou and Kirishima were studying in their room (when they were actually studying, which admittedly still wasn't often), but it was comfortable.

Only about a week before finals and a week and a half before graduation, a last-minute announcement was made about a school-wide graduation party taking place the day after the ceremony itself in the gymnasium. Free food and drinks would be provided and it was for students only—an opportunity for the seniors to celebrate and everyone else to say their goodbyes.

And it was only then that it... hit Kirishima how close it was. How little time he had left before he'd be thrust out into the world for real. He didn't really have any underclassmen friends—only a few acquaintances from class and those who'd come to him for art advice—but he couldn't help having an underlying fear that he might lose touch with the friends he did have once they went their separate ways. He'd heard stories like that, and it left a knot in his stomach that prevented him from studying for the last couple of days leading up to finals.

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