No Prayer Unanswered

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  "Everything will be alright. You have no need to fear."

  "All their eyes will be on me. If I mess up but once... I do not think she will ever let me forget it."

  "Perhaps... But you will not be alone. Not if I can help."


  Abelia awoke as the wagon lurched, blinking slowly. She must've dozed off. She let her eyes slide to the side, watching her mother at the front preoccupied with talking to their driver. All soft smiles and fake laughter... She hadn't noticed. Abelia let herself sink back down.

  That voice... Her dream began to fade away the moment she awoke, the words suddenly lost to her. But she knew that voice from somewhere. Where? She couldn't remember. She gave a little sigh and fixed the sunburst crown atop her head.

  As the wagon came to a stop Abelia was surprised to see a handful of guests already enjoying the sunshine as others continued setting everything up. While most of the guests were farmers and villagers, two immeadiately caught her eyes. They were brilliantly dressed, the woman tall and slender and dressed in lovely pale blues. Her long tawny hair was done up so that loose ringlets trailed down her back, her hair ornaments decorated with feathers glittering in the light. Is that what her mother once looked like? No... She couldn't ever imagine her mother looking so beautiful.

  The man towered over every farmer there, even Pratus, who was an ex soldier. A scar marked his lip but he was one of the most handsome men Abelia had ever laid eyes on. His hair was dark, his eyes shined like cinders. He looked as if he could tear her apart without trying. She shrank back, but she could feel her mother's grip on her shoulder.

  "What's this?" She purred. "I've never seen their likes around her. Let us go introduce ourselves, shall we?"

  Her mother guided her like a lost sheep, the villagers smiling as they passed. Never had they seen little Abelia look so lovely... And the boys that had normally ignored her suddenly seemed to realize she existed. Smaller and smaller she felt as they approached the two.

  The woman was much taller than her mother, just as tall as all the men there... And the man... Abelia didn't even reach his chest. They both seemed to look at her with interest however. Dark gold and blue regarding her and her costuming brightly. But it was the cloak that made their eyes flash.

  "Hello there!" Faustina smiled. "I daresay we haven't had any of your like at our festivals before... What brings you here?"

  "Yes." The man said seriously, his voice deep and gravelly. "You see, woman, I am Ar-" The woman cut him off with a sharp jab of her hand to his side. Her mother didn't seem to notice.

"This is Aris." She smiled, her voice as clear as summer rain. "And I am... Atheris, his sister. We are... Devout worshippers of Helios and have come to join in the honoring of our god." The man seemed annoyed at her words but gave a small sigh and a nod.

  "Very devout." He grumbled. "Though we have not got much in return for it."

  "That is what it is to be mortal, isn't it?" Her mother laughed, her fingers digging into Abelia's shoulders. So they weren't married. No doubt Faustina was hoping Aris was a bachelor... So she could throw Abelia at such a large and scary man.

  "Have you seen my lovely Abelia? She is to be the centerpiece of tonight's festivities. Doesn't she look just beautiful? She's more darling than I could've ever dreamed!" Her mother confirmed her suspicions.

  "Hello." Abelia managed, her voice sounding small and choked.

  "Tell me, dear Aris, do you have a wife?" Aris winced, his eyes sliding over to his sister, obviously uncomfortable.

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