Seeking Knowledge

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Wanda could not understand the emotions coursing through her body. Why had she hugged Vision like that? Why did she wrongly say that she just needed sleep, and not confirm that she felt comfortable around him? Why did she put her hand over the stone, and further, why did he put his hand over hers? Why did her heart start racing when their eyes met, and why did it do so again when he smiled at her? Why does she feel lonely right now?

The Vision has no emotion. He admitted that himself. So, whatever Wanda was feeling had to stop, because she would only get hurt in the end.


Vision was washing the dishes in the kitchen when Captain Steve walked in. He gave him an odd look. "You don't eat, Vision, do you?"

"No, sir. Ms. Maximoff... erm, Wanda. She woke up. Ms. Romanov taught me to make some soup for her." Vision explained. Steve nodded. "Captain Rogers?"

"You know that you've been here long enough that you can call all of us by our first names, right?" Steve responded, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. "Something on your mind?"

"Well. Wanda seems to think that she and I are connected somehow, through this," He said, waving his hand in front of the stone. "Additionally, I noticed an elevated heart rate in her when I was speaking with her, only moments ago. But she seemed to be in otherwise perfect health. I left her so that she may rest more."

"Elevated heart rate, huh?" Steve sighed, and then took a gulp of his water. Vision dried his hands from the water and floated over to sit on the couch, Steve not far behind. They sat on opposite ends of the long couch, Vision almost completely rigid. "I think she'll be alright. Probably just a lot of emotions going through her right now. It's only been a few months since Sokovia."

"Captain, I do not feel or understand emotions. What sort of emotion is she experiencing, so that I may help her in the best way possible?" Vision inquired, looking to the Captain, who shook his head.

"Well, probably guilt, sorrow, and immense loss. She lost her brother, she lost the town that she grew up in, and she probably feels pretty alone." Steve explained, running a hand through his [perfect] hair.

"From my research, those emotions do not lead to an elevated heart rate. Maybe she has some sort of condition, and should see a doctor." Vision responded. Steve gave him another odd look.

"Are you... worried about her?" He asked, studying the face of the AI closely. Vision shook his head once, looking confused. "She will be fine, Vision. She just needs the rest." He rose up from the couch, "Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to round up the troops for our mission tonight. Keep an eye on Wanda, will you?"

Steve left Vision to sit on the couch. Vision sat there, looking straight ahead, thinking. He could not feel emotions, so how could he worry about Wanda? How could he currently be feeling confused? Perhaps he was watching too many human shows. He did feel an odd sensation in his chest when he thought about Wanda, perhaps it was worry, or perhaps it was the stone's connection to her. Regardless, Vision stood and floated through the ceilings until he arrived at Tony's lab, where he was working diligently.

"Mr. Stark?" Vision announced himself, leading Tony to jump and turn to examine the AI. "I think there may be a circuit loose in my chest. I am having weird reactions to something external, but I do not know what it is."

"Alright, hop up on the table." Tony instructed, pulling a scanner over to the empty table. Vision laid down on it, and Tony began to do the scans. "Hm, I don't see any circuits loose. If they were, your body would just reattach them easily. It's smart that way."

"But, I do not understand. I felt a tightening in my chest earlier." Vision explained, sitting upright. Tony scratched his beard.

"What were you doing when you felt this... tightening?" Tony questioned, watching his creation think back.

"When I first noticed it, I was speaking with Ms. Maximoff." Vision responded. Tony gave him a look to go more into detail. "Well, she had just woken up. We were just talking, and then, as I was leaving, she hugged me from behind and thanked me for saving her life in Sokovia. Then, we sat down and she put her hand over the stone, and I placed my hand over hers, and our eyes met. She believes that the stone connects us in some way, as it was how she received her powers."

"Aw, my little boy is growing up." Tony laughed, the Vision only responding with a confused look. "I know you think that you're not capable of emotion. But, the scans I just made on you indicate that you are absorbing the information about emotions all around you, and your circuitry is adapting these emotions."

"But, I am essentially a walking computer. How can I develop these emotions?" Vision asked, and Tony shrugged.

"It's like you're evolving. Don't worry, it's something we all do." Tony responded, then thought a bit. "The emotions you're feeling sound like worry, concern, and possibly interest. In the witch."

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