Beautiful / Kiss

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Vision suggested that they stay in Edinburgh overnight, to oversee cleanup actions and rest. He checked them into a hotel and allowed Wanda to bathe. He stood at the window, looking out at the rainy night. When she emerged in nothing but a white towel, face red, he took note of how beautiful she looked with wet hair. He would have to tell her that she looks good in white. She walked up to him, leaning against the windowsill.

"I'm sorry that I held you back. It's just... When I read her mind and saw that she lost her sister, I had to try and stop her from causing her own death." Wanda admitted, watching as Vision continued to observe the rain. "She reminded me of myself."

"I do not blame you. You did what you felt you needed to do. You were brave, Wanda." He turned to face her, watching her, in turn, look out at the rain. "You're beautiful." He was surprised when she responded with a laugh, and when she looked up and saw his confused face she laughed even more.

"Where is that coming from, all of the sudden?" She smirked, and he just continued to look confused.

"I figured I should tell you. You seem to lack confidence in yourself. But... I also think that it is true. Each time I see you, I get surprised by how beautiful you are." He looked down at his hands resting on the windowsill. Wanda placed her hands over his, directing his gaze back to her face. "You would think that after spending each day together I would be used to your beauty, your smile, but... I suppose not."

"You never did tell me what you were going to say after we got back to the tower. Before the alarms." Wanda reminded him, entangling their fingers together.

"Oh. Yes." Vision thought back to that moment on the tower, looking out over the city. He had just told her that he would feel sad if she were to perish, and had pulled her close for an embrace. "Wanda, I believe that I am feeling... love. I do not know how this is possible, but if Mr. Stark thinks I am evolving, that is likely the case."

"Do you think that the stone has something to do with it?" She asked, cautious. If the stone was creating an artificial love between them, it was love, but it was not real. She didn't want that to be the case.

"I believe that the stone amplifies our connection, our friendship. But I do not think that the stone is simply reacting to you being near and creating a feeling of love between us." He responded, closing his eyes as she continued to run her fingers along his own. "I believe that I am in love with you."

"Do you believe that I love you back?" She questioned, moving one of her hands up to his face, leading him to open his eyes and look directly into hers.

"I hope that you do." He responded bluntly, finding her eyes to be worthwhile to get lost in.

"I've only ever known love of family. Of course, you have never known any form of love. So, I guess we are both fairly new at trying to identify these feelings... God, I'm rambling." She laughed a bit to herself, closing her eyes for a brief moment before looking at Vision again. "I think I do. Love you. Back. God, I don't know how to-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Vision leaned down and captured her lips within his own. She moved her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, deepening their kiss. Eventually they broke apart, and she stepped back.

"I should, erm... Put on some clothes." She murmured, looking down at how she was still in the hotel's towel. Vision didn't want to remove his arms from around the witch, but he obliged and watched as she went back into the bathroom to change her clothes. While he waited, he looked out into the recuperating city. It reminded him of Wanda, for some reason. Even though it has been seemingly destroyed, it keeps moving, keeps going on. He found himself lost in thought when he felt arms cross around his back. "Vis? What's on your mind?" A better question would be, what isn't on his mind?

"I was just thinking about how strong you are." He turned around to face Wanda, and moved a strand of hair out of her face. She had changed into a red silk nightgown. "I believe I am what humans would call a 'boyfriend', is that correct?" Wanda laughed in response; it was Vision's favorite noise. She curled up closer in his arms for warmth.

"If you want to be called that, Vis." She glanced up at him, and he nodded only once before kissing her forehead.

Spirits Lifted // A Scarlet Witch and Vision FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now