Laughter / Catching

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Weeks passed, and the two became closer friends. Vision would stay in Wanda's room while she slept, watching her soft expressions. When she would begin to tremble with nightmares, he would scoop her into his arms and run his fingers through her hair until she fell back into a dreamless sleep. The two spoke of everything but this connection. When they trained, they trained together; when Wanda ate, Vision was there. One morning after training at the compound, the two were heading back to Stark Tower, and Natasha pulled Wanda aside.

"Hey, Wanda. Can I talk to you about something?" She asked, glancing at Vision, who nodded and disappeared into the sky. Wanda didn't want to think about the feeling of absence she felt whenever the two were apart, and Natasha noticed the expression on the young woman's face. "Hey, sit with me for a second." They sat on a bench, and, as she had begun to do, Wanda played with her magic along her fingers to keep her energy stable. "Is there something going on between you and Vision?"

"He is a friend, and a teammate. He helps me to sleep at night, that's all." Wanda responded, eyes looking to the sky, where she hoped Vision was waiting for this conversation to be done, so they could go home together.

"Just... a bit of advice, okay? Don't get involved with someone that you work with. It can lead to distractions on the field, and we don't want that, okay?" Natasha put a hand on Wanda's shoulder. "I see the connection you two have, we all do. But it's just... safer. For everyone."

"Thank you for the concern, Natasha. I'm not in a place to have interest in anyone. Vis is just..." Wanda stopped mid-sentence, thinking on it. What was Vision to her? He was more than her friend. "He is like... I can't explain it. But I feel like I need him around. He comforts me."

"Alright. I won't stop you two if something happens, but I worry about what Steve and Tony will say and do." Natasha stood up and gave her a smile. "I've noticed a tremendous change in you, Wanda. I think he's a big part of that." And then Natasha walked away, leaving Wanda sitting on the bench alone.

Thoughts ran through her mind. Why couldn't she explain their connection? Is it more than the stone connecting them together? Why does she feel like she needs him around? Were they more than just friends?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the AI coming back down from the sky and sitting next to her. "What did Ms. Romanov want to discuss with you, Wanda?" He asked, watching her react to him.

"Nothing important, Vis. Just girl stuff." Wanda brushed it off, smiling softly. She hated lying to him, but she wasn't ready to say anything yet. "Come on, I'll race you home?" With that, Wanda channeled her magic to her hands and allowed herself to fly up. Vision kept an eye on her as he rose up after her, chasing after her. Wanda let out a loud laugh as they chased each other home, and Vision decided that it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.

Even though he was confused as to why she lied to him about the conversation with Ms. Romanov, he also decided that he had never felt happier, even though he had only been alive for six months. He knew he could read her mind, due to their connection with the stone, but feared that she would know, since she reads minds too. He pushed the thoughts out of his head and continued to chase after her in the air, until they landed safely on the roof of Stark Tower. It was midday, and the city below was bustling as he stood beside her, looking out.

"When the bomb landed in front of Pietro and I, and we kept waiting for it to explode, I thought I'd never get to see a beautiful scene again..." She mused, holding her hands out to absorb the sun. "When Pietro died, I didn't want to continue living on. He was the only reason I had lived for my whole life, and then he died, and..." A pause. Vision stepped closer to Wanda, watching the tears cascade down her cheeks. "I sometimes feel guilty for living. I get to be an Avenger, I get to see the world and beautiful sights like this... Pietro, my parents... They don't ever get to see these things again."

"If you were gone, they would have no one to live through. Because you are here, their memory continues." Vision responded, moving his hands to wipe the tears from her cheeks. "If you died, I would miss you."

"Why? Why would you miss me?" Wanda asked, looking up at the android with a puzzled look.

"Because I enjoy spending time with you. I am still getting used to the idea of forming emotions, but I am certain that I would be quite sad to lose you from my life." He murmured, pulling her close to him in a comforting hug. "Wanda, I--"

He was (quite rudely) interrupted by the sound of an alarm blaring throughout the tower, followed by the voice of Agent Maria Hill. "Avengers, Assemble at the compound, we have a mission!"

Wanda and Vision flew side-by-side back to the compound, no longer a light mood between them of chasing and laughter, but one of nerves and fear emanating from Wanda. Vision pushed his mind out to her to calm her, and she fumbled with her magic due to the shock. He caught her in his arms and carried her the rest of the way, sending calm through this newfound connection of their minds.

Thank you, Vis. Wanda poured the thought into Vision's mind, startling him but he kept level as they grew nearer to the compound. What were you going to say before the alarms rang?

We can discuss that later. For now, stay calm, it seems we have a mission.

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