Birthday / Pietro

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[A/N: This was one of my favorite chapters to write. It's just a bunch of fluff and happiness and also sadness, but I really like this one. This chapter is a bit longer than the others.]

Wanda was concerned about telling the rest of the team about their... relationship. How would Stark feel if he knew that the weird witch who led him to create Ultron was in love with his son-like robot? How would the Captain respond, would he keep them separate on missions, or not let them be on missions together at all? Was Natasha right? Would they be a distraction, not just to each other, but to the team?

As they flew back across the ocean to New York, Wanda was deep in thought, silent, as Vision trailed slightly ahead. He was concerned about her energy, and at some point he lifted her in his arms so that he could carry her the rest of the way home. They had begun to keep their mental connection open. After what had happened the day before in Edinburgh, Vision thought it would be best if they could always communicate with each other. He did not consider the ramifications of being able to read her mind constantly, and her fears were concerning him.

He knew that Mr. Stark was planning a celebration party for the success of the mission yesterday, but he knew Wanda would not feel that it was a success worthy of celebrating. Vision tried to send word to Stark to cancel the party, due to these circumstances, but after living as J.A.R.V.I.S. for so long, he knew Stark could never cancel a party or turn one down. He didn't want to break the peaceful silence between them, but he knew that Wanda was aware of the party, and wanted to prepare her.

Wanda, if you do not want to attend the party, we could formulate some kind of--

"Vis, I'm alright." She interrupted, pressing her hands against the side of his face. "If I begin to feel uncomfortable, I'll step out, but... parties are probably good for the overall morale of the team. Especially after the way the mission turned out."

Vision nodded, a small smile covering his features. He had seen tremendous growth in her since she first looked into her mind, moments after his creation. And he knew she had seen growth in him, too. He was now capable of feeling human emotions, sympathy. He was trying his best to understand. She was no longer the scared child who had been experimented on by Strucker, she was a strong, beautiful young woman, who was slowly gaining confidence in herself. Vision felt proud, though he knew he had little to do with this growth. He knew she was reading his thoughts, as she buried her face in his neck, likely to cover the blush spreading across her face. Oh, but he knew. He decided to change the subject, to lessen her embarrassment.

"What will you be wearing to the party, Wanda?" He asked. She knew it was a distraction, but she smiled into his chest. "I think I will wear some gray slacks and my black shoes, with a navy blue... um, blouse, I believe? And a black tie." Wanda responded with a laugh into his chest. He could never get used to that beautiful noise.

"Blouses are for women, Vis. I think you mean a dress shirt." She giggled, and he thought he could never love her more. "I'll probably wear my tea-length red dress, and black heels. Natasha says a woman who can wear heels is a powerful and confident one. Also, the dress has pockets, so if there are good snacks at the party I can sneak them back into my room."


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