A New Beginning

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Hey, you, yeah you with the smile from ear to ear

Yet you know you're falling apart on the inside, yeah, I know how you feel

It's okay to fall apart sometimes, because I fall apart too

I know how devastated you feel inside, for I've felt it too

I know you're utterly and desperately exhausted

You're tired of fighting against yourself and feeling as if you were Moana standing at the edge of the water wondering when you'll be set free

There's so much pressure in your chest and you feel like you're going to explode at any given moment

They tell you to 'snap out of it', to 'wake up and smell the coffee' but the truth is sometimes you have get up to make your own damn cup of coffee

Sometimes we need to build ourselves once more to get our happy ending

Every so often there's a cracked foundation in us that'll lead to our demise

Weak pillars that won't support our weight

So, we must start from the ground up until we began to feel again

The process isn't fun or easy or even fast but know this, the Sun will rise on us again and all this will be worth it one day

A new era is beginning for us

You never thought you could feel this way again but there's a small spark inside of you that just won't die out

You've packed your bags and bought a one-way ticket out of this wretched town

After everything it's finally time to begin again,

To begin to love and to feel love again

To fully enjoy life and not just sit there like a bystander watching the world go by in a blur

But it'll be alright, no need to cry anymore, this is a new beginning, it's time to embrace the light within us

*Don't forget to comment & vote. All constructive criticism is appreciative. ^.^  

All picture Credits to Ig @lexymonaco

Embracing The Light:  A Collection of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now